delo diplomskega seminarja
Anton Kuhar-Bombek (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo obdelali pojem organizacija, katerega je moč zaslediti v vsej sodobni literaturi. Pojem organizacija ima več različnih pomenov. Najpogosteje avtorji organizacijo opredeljujejo kot subjekt, institut, zavod ter državno institucijo. Nekateri avtorji ta pojem opredeljujejo tudi kot družbeno strukturo, socialno tehnično strukturo družbenih sredstev in ljudi ter nato še kot dinamičen organizacijski proces. V nadaljevanju smo opisali razvoj organizacijske teorije, katera se je pričela razvijati v začetku 20. stoletja. Na koncu prvega poglavja smo opisali še oblikovanje organizacije ter organizacijske procese. Predstavili smo tudi pet najpogostejših organizacijskih struktur, ki jih uporabljajo organizacije. Ugotovili smo, da brez dobro zastavljene organizacijske strukture organizacija težko konkurira trgu ter organizira delo znotraj podjetja. Prav tako smo teoretično opredelili organizacijo dela, pravne oblike dela ter metode in tehnike za organiziranje dela. Empirični del smo gradili na praktičnem primeru podjetja RM Vuk, d. o. o., kjer smo najprej predstavili podjetje in njegovi osnovni dejavnosti, to sta varjenje in gradnja cevovodov. Zatem smo podali vizijo in poslanstvo podjetja, na koncu pa organizacijsko strukturo podjetja ter organizacijo dela v podjetju RM Vuk, d. o. o.


organizacija;teorija organizacije;organizacijske strukture;organizacijski management;delo;organizacija dela;metode;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Kuhar-Bombek]
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 11582492 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2056
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Organisation of working process according to organizational structure in company RM Vuk, d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of the diploma seminar we analyzed the concept of organization, which can be observed throughout the contemporary literature. The concept of organization has several different meanings. Most authors define organization as a subject, institute, institution and state institution. Some authors define this concept as a social structure, as a technical and social structure of social resources and people, and moreover as a dynamic organizational process. In the following we described the development of organizational theory, which began to develop in early 20th century. At the end of the first chapter we described the creation of organizations and organizational processes. We also described five most common organizational structures used by organizations. We found out that without a well defined organizational structure of the organization, it is difficult to compete with the market and organize the work within the company. We have also theoretically described the organization of work, legal forms of organization and methods and techniques for organizing work. We have done the empirical part based on the practical case of RM Vuk Ltd, where we first presented the company itself, and then we presented its two main activities, which are welding and construction of pipelines. Then we presented the vision and mission of the company. Finally, we presented the organizational structure of the company and organization of work within the RM Vuk, Ltd.
Secondary keywords: organization;development of organizational theory;organizational structure;types of organizational structures;work;work organization;division of work;methods and techniques for the organization of work;RM VUK;Ltd;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 53 str.
ID: 8727402
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