primerjava slovenskih in tujih izkušenj javno-zasebnega partnerstva
Maja Levc (Author), Darja Boršič (Mentor)


JZP na področju športne infrastrukture predstavlja prednosti obeh sektorjev, kjer je izvajanje javnih storitev cenejše, hitrejše in učinkovitejše. Takšno sodelovanje nudi nove poslovne možnosti in hitrejši razvoj športne infrastrukture v Sloveniji. V Sloveniji se JZP šele razvija, čeprav smo sprejeli zakon o JZP leta 2006. Slovenija je JZP v športni infrastrukturi pridobila leta 2011 z izgradnjo Stožic, vendar se ta projekt ni izkazal za uspešnega, tako da bo rabila še veliko časa, da bo tako uspešna kot Anglija. V delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili in opisali JZP, športno infrastrukturo in šport. V praktičnem delu pa sta predstavljena dva primera in sicer izgradnja Stožic in prenova Xcel, ki sta bila narejena v okviru JZP. Menimo, da je javni sektor v Angliji dobro organiziran. Pred izgradnjo je letni strošek teh dveh objektov znašal 600.000 £, po izgradnji pa znaša 187.000 £. V 15 letih bodo prihranili neverjetnih 6.000.000 £. Pred izgradnjo je bilo letno 290.000 obiskovalcev, po izgradnji pa letno beležijo 850.000 obiskovalcev. Slovenija bi se lahko zgledovala po Angliji, saj so njihovi projekti uspešni in prinašajo veliko dobička. Pred izvedbo projekta bi Slovenija morala preučiti projekte, ki so bili uspešno izvedeni kot JZP, da bi se lahko tako naučila, kako izdelati uspešen projekt brez zapletov.


javno-zasebno partnerstvo;šport;infrastruktura;financiranje;projekti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Levc]
UDC: 334.012.32/.33:79
COBISS: 11562012 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1244
Downloads: 240
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Providing sport infrastructure
Secondary abstract: Public-private partnership in the field of sports infrastucture presents the advantages of both sectors, where the provision of public services cheaper, faster and more efficient. Such cooperation offers new business opportunities and accelerating the developing of sports infrastructure in Slovenia. In Slovenia, PPP is still developing, although we adopted the Law on PPP in 2006. Slovenia is a PPP in sport infrastucture acquired in 2011 with the construction of Stožice, but this project has not proved successful, so they will need much time to be as successful as England. Part of the thesis we present and describe the PPP, sport infrastucture and sport. In the practical part presents two examples, namely the construction of Stožice and renovation Xcel, which were made in the context of PPP. We consider that the public sector in England is well organized. Prior the construction of the annual cost of these two buildings amounted to £ 600.000, now stands at £ 187.000. In 15 years they will save an amazing £ 6 milijonov. Before the construction there was 290.000 visitors a year, while after the construction yearly 850.000 visits are recorded. Slovenia could take inspiration from England, because their projects are successful and bring a lot of profit. Before the implemented as PPP, Slovenia should consider the projects that have been successfully implemented as PPP, from these Slovenia could learn how to conduct a successful project smoothly.
Secondary keywords: Public-private partnership;sport infrastucture;Slovenia;England.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 38 str.
ID: 8727573
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