delo diplomskega seminarja
V diplomskem seminarju smo na temelju tržnih multiplikatorjev in ostalih kazalnikov v letu 2012 analizirali podjetje Gorenje. Namen tega seminarja je bil oceniti vrednost delnice Gorenja in ugotoviti njeno podcenjenost ali precenjenost na trgu. Vrednost delnice smo ocenili s pomočjo metode relativnega vrednotenja, pri čemer smo uporabili različne tržne multiplikatorje. Nato smo podjetje vrednotili še s pomočjo drugih kazalnikov in dobljene izračune primerjali z vrednostmi kazalnikov primerljivih podjetij. Ta konkurenčna podjetja so: Arcelik, Bosch and Siemens Home products, Electrolux, Indesit in Whirlpool. Podatke, ki smo jih uporabili pri izračunu kazalnikov, smo pridobili iz letnih poročil podjetij za leto 2012. Pri vsakem izračunu kazalnikov smo pod tabelo interpretirali rezultate. Pri izračunanem povprečju tržnih multiplikatorjev smo ugotovili podcenjenost delnice Gorenja glede na njeno tržno ceno. Ko smo izračunali kazalnike financiranja, investiranja, donosnosti in plačilne sposobnosti, pa smo lahko primerjali uspešnost poslovanja Gorenja v primerjavi s konkurenti in tako ugotovili konkurenčnost Gorenja v panogi gospodinjskih aparatov.
finančna analiza;panoge dejavnosti;kazalniki;podjetje;vrednotenje;pozicioniranje;tržna analiza;blagovne znamke;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[M. Zrnić] |
UDC: |
658.14/.17 |
Views: |
1795 |
Downloads: |
150 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Financial analysis of the selected company in the sector of manufacturing industry |
Secondary abstract: |
In the graduate seminar we analyzed the company Gorenje in the year 2012 on the basis of market multipliers and other indicators. The purpose of this graduate seminar was to assess the value of the share of the company Gorenje and to determine its underestimation or overratedness on the market. We estimated the value of the share using the method of relative evaluation by using a variety of market multipliers. We then evaluated the company also with the help of other indicators and the obtained calculations compared with the values of comparable companies indicators. These competitive companies are: Arcelik, Bosch and Siemens Home products, Electrolux, Indesit and Whirlpool. The data that we used in the calculation of the indicators were obtained from the annual reports of companies for the year 2012. In any calculation of the indicators we have interpreted the results below the table. In the market-weighted average of ratios, we found out underestimation of the Gorenje stock according to its market price. When we calculated the indicators of finance, investment, profitability and solvency, we were able to compare the successfulness of the Gorenje company business compared to competitors and determine the competitiveness of Gorenje in the industry of household appliances. |
Secondary keywords: |
financial analysis;industry overview;Gorenje;market ratios;valuation.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Final seminar paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
51 str. |
ID: |
8727591 |