magistrsko delo
Nejc Pipenbaher (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava vlogo managementa in prenovo skupine Vates v krizi. Poglavitne naloge kriznega managementa so načrtovanje in nadzorovanje okolja podjetja - prepoznavanje prednosti in nevarnosti v okolju ter napovedovanje in oblikovanje prihodnjih silnic, ki bi lahko vplivale na podjetje, analiziranje okolja ter oblikovanje akcij podjetja in odzivov, ki bodo v pomoč pri doseganju ugodnega položaja podjetja na trgu v primeru kriz. Glavna načela pri upravljanju krize so razvijanje pozitivnega stališča do krize oz. do nastalih razmer, poslovanje podjetja v sozvočju s pričakovanji različnih javnosti, ustvarjanje dobrega imena podjetja z uspešnim komuniciranjem zanesljivih dejstev ter iskanje priložnosti med krizo. Magistrsko delo je vsebinsko sestavljeno iz šestih poglavij . V prvem poglavju je zapisan uvod. Kriza, njena opredelitev, faze, simptomi, vzroki, preprečevanje kriz je opisano v drugem poglavju. Nadalje sem v tretjem poglavju proučil osnove managementa in v četrtem poglavju predstavil vlogo managementa pri preprečevanju krize v podjetju. V petem poglavju sem v podanem primeru v magistrski nalogi obravnaval skupino Vates, ki je delovala na področju turizma, oz. hotelirstva in gostinstva. Pri obravnavi primera sem se osredotočil na zadnja 4 leta poslovanja, torej od nastanka krize pa do sanacije podjetja, katere končni rezultat je: - ohranitev dejavnosti na vseh lokacijah - rešitev praktično vseh delovnih mest - sanacija finančnega položaja v odnosu do bank in dobaviteljev - sprememba lastništva, kot posledica potrebnih ukrepov za uspešno izvedbo sanacije - velika izguba kapitala lastnika Ključna napaka skupine je bila prevelik obseg investiranja v nepravem trenutku, kar je vodilo v nezmožnost realizacije tržnih pričakovanj ob nastanku krize v letu 2008/2009. Kljub relativno usposobljenemu managementu tudi z bogatimi izkušnjami s področja sanacije podjetij, so bile storjene predvsem naslednje napake: - kljub pravočasnemu zaznavanju dejavnikov krize prepočasno reagiranje v odnosu do ključnega partnerja – banke - oceni in pričakovanju, da bo kriza trajala 2 - 3 leta, nakar se bo začela ponovna gospodarska rast, sicer z upočasnjenim tempom - zaključevanje investicij v teku, katerih ni bilo možno uspešno plasirati na trg v dolgotrajni krizi - na osnovi napačne odločitve in prepozno prilagajanje cenovni politiki trga in novim oblikam trženja, predvsem zniževanje cen Menim, da je bila ena od ključnih napak tudi direktno pogajanje lastniških struktur z banko, kjer se je izkazalo, da so pogajanja potekala na neenakovredni ravni, saj pogajalci na strani banke niso bili nosilci odločanja. Nedopustno je bilo zavlačevanje bank in s tem izčrpavanje skupine do točke: - ker ni bilo več pogojev za alternativne rešitve »pritisnjeni v kot« - pomanjkanje časa za iskanje strateških partnerjev ali kupcev - izguba ogleda tržne pozicije. S tem so bili izgubljeni potenciali za obrambo v pogajanjih z banko. Kot edina rešitev je ostalo dezinvestiranje in razveze pogodb za nepremičnine ter s tem nastanek situacije, ki ni več zagotavljala fizičnih pogojev zaposlovanja Na podlagi preučenega sem v šestem poglavju zapisal zaključek oz. sklep.


podjetje;krize;management;krizni management;prenova;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Pipenbaher]
UDC: 005.334
COBISS: 11621404 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1640
Downloads: 240
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Role of management in solving the crisis in the company
Secondary abstract: Master thesis is focused on the role of management and renovation of Vates group in crisis. The main tasks of managing crisis are planning and controling the business environment - identifing the benefits and risks in the environment and the predictions and designs of future force that could affect the company, analyzing the environment and the creation of business actions and responses that will assist in achieving a favorable position in the crises of companys market. The main principles in the management of crisis are developing a positive attitude towards the crisis or to the situation of companies reaction to a variety of public issues, creating good name with successful communication of reliable facts and looks for opportunities during the crisis. Master thesis is substantially composed of six chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The crisis, its definition, phases, symptoms, causes, prevention of crises are described in the second chapter. Furthermore, in the third chapter I examined the basics of management and in the fourth chapter in the role of managements prevention of crisis in the company. In the fifth chapter of my masters thesis I discussed an example of the group Vates that has worked in the field of tourism or hotel industry and restaurant. On the examle, I have focused on the last four years of the operation, from the beginning of the crisis to the renovation of the company whose end result was: - To maintain operations in all locations - Save all jobs - Renovation of the financial situation in relation to banks and suppliers - A change in ownership as a result of the measures necessary for the successful implementation of renovations - A large loss of owners capital The key mistake was an excessive nature of the investment at the wrong time, which resulted in the inability of the realizations of market expectations at the time of the crisis in 2008/2009. Despite the relatively well qualified management with extensive experience in the field of renovation of companies, lead to the following committed errors: - Despite right timely detection of slow reacting factors to the crisis in relation to key partners - banks - Evaluation and expectation that the crisis will last for 2-3 years, after which it will re-start economic growth with the slow pace - Termination of ongoing investments, which could not be successful by placing on the market in the long-term crisis - On the basis of wrong decisions and late adaptation to market pricing and new forms of marketing, especially price-cutting I think that one of the key mistakes was a direct negotiation with the bank about ownership structures, where it appeared that negotiations took place at unequal levels, as negotiators at the bank were not the decision makers. Intolerable delays of the bank lead to the point: - Because there was no longer alternative solutions "we were cornered" - Lack of time to search for strategic partners or customers - Loss of seeing its market position. This has lost the potential of defense in the negotiations with the bank. The only solution left was disinvestment and dissolvement of contracts for real estates, and thus the emergence of situations that no longer provide the physical conditions of employment At the end of this examination in the sixth chapter I wrote a conclusion.
Secondary keywords: Management;company renovation;crisis;management crisis;the role of management in the prevention of crisis.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 79 str., 82 str. pril.
ID: 8727716