diplomsko delo
Urška Glažar (Author), Andreja Malek (Lector), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Izhajajoč iz mednarodnih in notranjih predpisov uživa družina kot najpomembnejša družbena skupina posebno varstvo. Znotraj družine se prav posebna pozornost namenja otrokom, ki zaradi svoje duševne in telesne nerazvitosti sami ne morejo uveljavljati svojih interesov in v njihovem imenu to počnejo starši. Pravica staršev, da skrbijo za otrokovo vzgojo, razvoj, zdravje, šolanje, se imenuje roditeljska pravica. Tej pravici se starši ne morejo odpovedati, lahko pa jim je odvzeta iz razlogov, ki jih določa zakon. O zadevah glede odvzema roditeljske pravice odloča sodišče v nepravdnem postopku. Postopek za odvzem roditeljske pravice se lahko začne na predlog enega izmed staršev, pristojnega centra za socialno delo, otroka starega nad 15 let, ki je sposoben razumeti posledice svojega dejanja ali na predlog državnega tožilca. Roditeljska pravica se staršu/staršema lahko vrne, če odpade razlog zaradi katerega je bila odvzeta, razen če je bil otrok v času odvzema roditeljske pravice posvojen. V Sloveniji imajo največje pristojnosti v zvezi z varovanjem otrokovih koristi centri za socialno delo, ki so ponavadi tudi najprej obveščeni o morebitnih težavah in stiskah otrok. Prav tako so centri za socialno delo tisti, ki v postopkih največkrat nastopajo kot branilci otrok, velikokrat tudi sami odločajo o ukrepih za zavarovanje otrokovih pravic, končno pa izvajajo tudi nadzor nad ukrepi, ki so določeni s sodnimi ali upravnimi odločbami.


družinsko pravo;družine;roditeljska pravica;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [U. Glažar]
UDC: 347.63(043.2)
COBISS: 4561963 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4305
Downloads: 374
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Starting from international and domestic regulations, family as the most important social group enjoys a special protection. Attention within the family is given especially to children, who can not pursue all their interests because of their mental and physical underdevelopment. Parents are responsible of pursing childrens interests. The right of parents to take care for child's education, development and health is called parental right. Parents can not give up that right, but it can be withdrawn from them according to the law. All matters on withdrawal of parental rights are resolved in court in litigious procedure. The procedure of withdrawing the parental rights can be initiated upon the request of one of the parents, the competent social work center, a child aged over 15 years old who is able to understand the consequences of his actions or upon the request of the state prosecutor. Parental rights can also be returned to parents if the reason for withdrawal is void, unless the child was adopted while parental rights were withdrawn. In Slovenia, jurisdiction regarding children welfare belongs to social work centres, which are usually first informed of the potential problems and distresses of children. Social work centers are also the authorities, which often pose as defenders of the children and frequently decide on actions for protection of children's rights and finally, monitor actions which are determined by judicial or administrative provisions.
Secondary keywords: family;child;parental rights;withdrawal of parental rights;litigious procedure;social work center;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 24 f.
ID: 8727821