diplomsko delo
Vsak dan pridobivamo stvari na najrazličnejše načine bodisi s kupovanjem bodisi s pridobitvijo na podlagi zakona. Najpogosteje pridobivamo premičnine in pri tem niti ne vemo, kdaj točno pridobimo oziroma prenesemo lastninsko pravico na stvari, kakšne so posledice sklenitve pogodbe, kdaj se šteje, da je stvar izročena ipd. Katera dejstva in okoliščine so relevantne za pridobitev lastninske pravice in ali je srečevanje oziroma prepletanje obligacijskega in stvarnega prava ključnega pomena za prenos lastninske pravice, so samo nekatera vprašanja, ki odlikujejo primarno težiščnico te diplomske naloge. Samo diplomsko delo je bazirano na pridobitvi lastninske pravice na premičninah in zasnovano na temelju dveh načinov pridobitve, ki se s svojo prepoznavnostjo in specifičnostjo razvrščata na izvedene (derivativne) in izvirne (originarne) načine pridobitve. Kdaj preide lastninska pravica na podlagi pravnega posla (pogodbenega prenosa) in kdaj je zakon tisti, ki daje pridobitelju položaj lastnika, je od primera do primera različno. V praksi je najpomembnejši in najpogostejši način pridobitve lastninske pravice prenos le-te na podlagi pravnega posla.
Evropsko-kontinentalni pravni sistem loči predvsem med romansko in germansko naravnanimi pravnimi redi. Ti dve pravni družini sta relevantni predvsem s tega stališča, da je za vsako od njiju značilen posamezen prenosni (transferni) sistem. Tako poznamo danes dve temeljni delitvi prenosnih sistemov: delitev na konsenzualni (translativni) sistem, ki je tipičen za romansko pravno družino, in tradicijski sistem, ki je tipičen za germansko pravno družino. Pri obeh sistemih se navezujemo na dejstvo, ki temelji na trenutku, v katerem preide lastninska pravica s prenosnika na pridobitelja. Tradicijski sistem se še nadalje deli na kavzalne in abstraktne sisteme glede na to, v kakšnem razmerju sta zavezovalni in razpolagalni pravni posel. Razlikovanje konsenzualnega in tradicijskega sistema postane najbolj očitno takrat, ko se sklenitev pogodbe in prenos posesti na stvari časovno ne ujemata. Do temeljnih razlikovanj med sistemoma kot posledice različnega trenutka prenosa lastninske pravice in časovnega obdobja, v katerem je po konsenzualnem sistemu lastninska pravica že prenesena, po tradicijskem pa še ne, načeloma ne pride. Kot bo razvidno, si navsezadnje sistema – konceptualno gledano – glede sovpadanja trenutka sklenitve pogodbe in trenutka prenosa posesti le nista tako različna in lastninska pravica namreč preide v istem trenutku.
civilno pravo;stvarno pravo;stvarne pravice;lastnina;lastninska pravica;premičnine;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[N. Žižek] |
UDC: |
347.235(043.2) |
Views: |
3551 |
Downloads: |
487 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Every day, we acquire items in various ways either by buying or acquiring them on the basis of law. Most frequently, we acquire movable assets and we do not even know when exactly we acquire or transfer the ownership right onto items, what the consequences of the conclusion of an agreement are, when an item is considered to be submitted etc. What facts and circumstances are relevant for the acquisition of ownership rights and whether the involvement or intertwining of the law of obligation and real law is key for the transfer of the ownership right are just some of the questions that represent the main emphasis of this paper. The paper itself is based on the acquisition of the ownership right regarding movable assets and conceived upon the foundations of two means of acquisition. Based on their recognizability and specificity, they are divided into derivative and originary means of acquisition. The question of when the ownership right is transferred on the basis of a legal transaction (legal transfer) and when the law itself gives the acquirer ownership status is a case-by-case matter. In practice, the most important and the most frequent means of ownership right acquisition is its transfer on the basis of a legal transaction.
The European continental legal system is largely divided into Roman and Germanic legal orders. These two clusters of law are mainly relevant from the viewpoint that they are characterized by different transfer system. Thus, today there are two main transfer systems: the consensual (translative) system that is typical of the Roman cluster of law, and the traditional system that is typical of the Germanic cluster of law. Both systems are taken into account on the basis of the fact that is founded on the moment at which the ownership right is transferred from the transferor to the acquirer. The traditional system is further divided into causal and abstract systems with regard to what kind of relationship rules between the binding and the disposal legal transaction. The differentiation of the consensual and the traditional system becomes most apparent when the point of time of the concluding contract and the transfer of assets onto items is not aligned. There are no fundamental discrepancies between the systems as a consequence of different moments of time of ownership rights transfer and the time period in which the ownership right has already been transferred according to the consensual system as opposed to the traditional system in which this has not occurred. As we shall see, both systems do not differ conceptually that much after all with regard to the exact synchronization of the moment of the concluding agreement and the moment of ownership transfer. Namely, the ownership right is transferred at the exact same moment. |
Secondary keywords: |
Movable assets;submission;original acquisition;derived acquisition;Germanic legal orders;Roman legal orders;consensual system;traditional system;fictitious submission.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
82 f. |
ID: |
8727845 |