magistrsko delo


Odraslost lahko definiramo kot daljše življenjsko obdobje, ki se deli na: obdobje zgodnje odraslosti, obdobje srednje odraslosti in obdobje pozne odraslosti (Papalia, Camp in Feldman, 1996). Številne spremembe, življenjski dogodki in značilnosti vsakega posameznika skupaj tvorijo procese in mehanizme za nastanek in razvoj osebnosti v življenjskih obdobjih (Caspi in Roberts, 2001). Namen magistrskega dela je bil pobliže spoznati obdobje zgodnje in srednje odraslosti, proces odraščanja in z odraščanjem povezane osebnostne spremembe, predvsem stabilnost, ter spremembe velikih petih značilnosti osebnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili obdobje odraslosti, posebej zgodnjo in srednjo odraslost. Opisali smo razvojne naloge v posameznem obdobju in osebnostne spremembe v povezavi s čustveno regulacijo in kontrolo. Pri empirični raziskavi smo uporabili Vprašalnik BFI in Vprašalnik emocionalne regulacije in kontrole. Sodelovalo je 80 udeležencev, 50 % moških in 50 % žensk. Vzorec je bil porazdeljen tako, da je bilo 20 udeležencev iz prve polovice zgodnje odraslosti, 20 udeležencev iz druge polovice zgodnje odraslosti, 20 udeležencev iz prve polovice srednje odraslosti in 20 udeležencev iz obdobja druge polovice srednje odraslosti. Ugotovili smo, da se velikih pet značilnosti osebnosti sicer spreminja v obdobju zgodnje in srednje odraslosti in glede na spol, vendar te razlike niso statistično pomembne. Boljša emocionalna regulacija je povezana z osebnostno značilnostjo ekstravertnost, slabša pa s čustveno nestabilnostjo.


zgodnja odraslost;srednja odraslost;osebnostne spremembe;osebnostne značilnosti;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Gjura]
UDC: 159.923(043.2)
COBISS: 20197896 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3536
Downloads: 1094
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development differences of the big five personality traits in connection with emotional regulation through the young and middle adulthood period
Secondary abstract: The adulthood period can be defined as a longer period of life, which is divided into the young adulthood period, middle adulthood period and the late adulthood period (Papalia, Camp and Fieldman, 1996). A number of changes, life events and characteristics of an individual together form processes and mechanisms for the creation and development of personality through life periods (Caspi and Roberts, 2001). The purpose of this Master's thesis was to become more closely aware of the periods of young and middle adulthood, the process of growing up and the personality changes connected with it, especially stability and changes of the Big Five Personality Traits. In the theoretical part we have presented more in detail the period of adulthood, especially the young and middle adulthood. We have described the developmental tasks in particular adulthood period and personality changes in connection with emotional regulation and control. In the empirical research we have used the BFI Questionnaire and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. 80 participants were included in this research, of which 50 % were female. The sample was divided equally % 20 participants were from the 1st half of the young adulthood period, 20 participants were from the 2nd half of the young adulthood period, 20 participants were from the 1st half of the middle adulthood period and 20 participants were from the 2nd half of the middle adulthood period. We have discovered that the Big Five Personality Traits do change through the young and middle adulthood periods and also according to the gender, although these differences haven't been statistically important. The better emotional regulation is connected with the extroversion, while the worse emotional regulation is connected with the emotional instability.
Secondary keywords: young adulthood;middle adulthood;personality changes;personality characteristics;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IV, 70 f.
ID: 8727867