magistrsko delo
Gorazd Zajc (Author), Mojca Duh (Mentor)


Velika gospodarska kriza je pokazala, da brez vlaganja v prihodnost ni možen razvoj podjetja in zato je pomembno, da imajo podjetja vedno plan kako obvladovati hitro spreminjajoče okolje. Podjetje si mora prizadevati za rast in razvoj, svoje poslovne priložnosti izkoriščati, sproti ukrepati za nadaljnji razvoj in investirati pravočasno. Ob številnih informacijah, ki jih lahko ob uporabi spleta dobimo, je za podjetja v današnjem času zelo pomembno, da imajo visoke etične in moralne standarde, saj si na ta način podjetje pridobi dobro ime in ugled. Dolgoročna stabilnost podjetja je možna samo ob vlaganju v prihodnost in pripravljenost na različne krize, ki lahko doletijo podjetje. Čeprav podjetje lahko prepozna vse znake krize, pa se je nemogoče izogniti morebitnim padcem. Najbolj pomembno je, da podjetje ne ignorira informacij, ki mu jih sporoča okolje in se prilagaja okolici in odjemalcem. Zahteve kupcev se hitro spreminjajo, konkurenca je vsak dan močnejša v globaliziranem svetu, zato je za dolgotrajni obstoj in razvoj podjetja potrebno, da se podjetje razvija in raste iz leta v leto.


podjetje;rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;razvojni projekti;razvojna strategija;lekarne;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [G. Zajc]
UDC: 005.412
COBISS: 11619612 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1168
Downloads: 251
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development program with an example of a chosen company - Javni zavod Pomurske lekarne
Secondary abstract: Great economic crisis has shown that without investment in the future is not possible to develop the business and therefore it is important that companies always plan how to cope with a rapidly changing environment. The company should strive to growth and development, they should exploited the business opportunities, promptly act to further develop and invest on time. On a number of information that can be obtained using the internet, the company today is very important to have high ethical and moral standards, because in this way you obtain the company's reputation and image. Long-term stability of the company is only possible when you are investing in the future and when you are prepared to deal with various crises that could happen to a company. Although the company can recognize signs of crisis, it is impossible to avoid a possible fall. The most important is that the company does not ignore the information from the environment and adapts to different surroundings and customers. Customer requirements are changing rapidly, the competition is every day stronger in a globalized world, it is for long-term survival and development of enterprises need to be firm develops and grows from year to year.
Secondary keywords: growth and development;program development;Pomurske lekarne.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 105 str.
ID: 8727897