diplomsko delo
Matej Šajt (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Predznamba je vrsta glavnega vpisa v zemljiško knjigo, ki učinkuje pod odložnim (suspenzivnim) pogojem, da se le-ta kasneje opraviči. V primer, da se predznamba opraviči, učinkuje enako kot vknjižba od trenutka vložitve zemljiškoknjižnega predloga za predznambo – izpolni se pogoj, ki je manjkal za popolno vknjižbo. Na podlagi predznambe se stvarne in druge pravice pridobijo, spremenijo, obremenijo ali prenehajo. Je oblika zavarovanja knjižnih pravic v primerih, ko vpis pravice še ni možen, vendar je pravni temelj pridobitve pravic izkazan. Vpis predznambe se lahko predlaga za nepravnomočne sodne odločbe, s katerimi se odloča o lastninski pravici, sodne odločbe, izdane po predpisih v izvršilnem postopku, sodne odločbe o položitvi dolgovanega zneska, če gre za dolg, zavarovan z zastavno pravico in zasebno listino, ki ne vsebuje pogoja za vknjižbo. Zahtevo za vpis predznambe lahko vloži vsakdo, ki izkaže pravni interes. Predznambo je potrebno opravičiti v roku 1 mesca (30 dni) od dneva vpisa. Če v roku za opravičbo ni podanega predloga za vknjižbo pravice v predznamovanem vrstnem redu, se na predlog upravičenca dovoli izbris predznambe. Samo opravičenje pa je mogoče tudi po preteku roka, vse dokler predznamba ni izbrisana.


predznamba;opravičba;zemljiška knjiga;stvarno pravo;nepremičninsko pravo;zemljiškoknjižno pravo;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Šajt]
UDC: 347.23(043.2)
COBISS: 4594219 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1363
Downloads: 300
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The preliminary note is one of the main entries in the land register, which takes effect under suspensive condition that the preliminary note is later excused. If the preliminary note is excused, it has the same effect as an executed entry from the moment of filing the land registry proposal for preliminary note – the condition that was missing for the full entry was fullfiled. Based on preliminary note property and other rights are acquired, altered, ceased or debited. Preliminary note is a form of insurance literary rights in cases where inscription of rights is not yet possible, but the legal basis for the acquisition of rights is proven. The preliminary note may be proposed for the non-final judgment, with witch is going to be decided on the right of property, a judgment according to the regulations in foreclosure, judgments on the deposit due, if the debt is secured by a lien and a private document that does not contain a condition for entry. The preliminary note can be proposed by anyone who has a legal interest. Preliminary note must be excused within 1 month (30 days) from the date of the entry. If, within the given time, there is no proposal for entry in the insured succession order, the preliminary note is erased at the request of the rightful claimant. The preliminary note can also be excused after the time limit has expired until it is erased from the land register.
Secondary keywords: preliminary note;excuse;deleting preliminary note;the effects of preliminary note;land;property;property law;real estate law;land register law;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 26 f.
ID: 8727972
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