(diplomsko delo)


Med osebami, odvisnimi od psihoaktivnih snovi (PAS), je značilna skupina s hkratno duševno motnjo. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena zdravstvena nega pacientov, odvisnih od PAS in njene značilnosti v povezavi s komorbidnostjo duševne motnje. V empiričnem delu smo ugotavljali dodatne potrebe pacientov s hkratno duševno motnjo po zdravstveni negi. Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metoda dela s pomočjo študije primera, v kateri smo primerjali dva pacienta, odvisna od PAS, pri čemer ima eden tudi duševno motnjo. Za oba pacienta smo na podlagi intervjuja in zdravstvene dokumentacije vzporedno izdelali načrt zdravstvene nege, v katerem smo cilje, aktivnosti zdravstvene nege in vrednotenje razvrstili po negovalnih diagnozah, oblikovanih skladno z metodo enajstih funkcionalnih vzorcev zdravega obnašanja po Marjory Gordon. Izkazalo se je, da pacienti s hkratno duševno motnjo potrebujejo specifično pozornost izvajalcev zdravstvene nege zlasti v času abstinenčne krize zaradi tveganja za poslabšanje duševne motnje. Paciente je potrebno opozarjati na nevarnost hkratnega jemanja zdravil in prepovedanih drog ter jih vzpodbujati, da duševno motnjo razumejo kot motivacijo za abstinenco, ne kot razlog za jemanje drog z namenom samozdravljenja.


psihoaktivne snovi;duševne motnje;odvisnost;komorbidnost;zdravstvena nega;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [J. B. Špendl]
UDC: 616.89-083(043.2)
COBISS: 1977252 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1663
Downloads: 286
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nursing Care of Patients Addicted to Psychoactive Substances With Comorbidity of Mental Disorder
Secondary abstract: A characteristic group of patients with co-existing mental disorder is found among patients addicted to psychoactive substances. We have studied nursing care of addicted patients and its specifics when dealing with the patients with co-existing mental disorder. The empirical part of the study was to identify additional needs for nursing care of the patients with co-existing mental disorder. The qualitative method of work was applied using a case-study of two addicted patients, one of them with co-existing mental disorder. Two parallel nursing care plans were produced based on interviews and medical records. The plan, produced using the model of 11 functional health patterns by Marjory Gordon included goals, nursing interventions and evaluations. The result of the study is that the patients with co-existing mental disorder need specific attention of the nursing care especially during the abstinence crisis since it presents a high risk for deterioration of mental disorder. The patients need to be educated about the risks of combined use of medication and illegal drugs, as they should perceive their mental disorder as a motive for abstinence, not a reason for using drugs as a cure.
Secondary keywords: psychoactive substances;mental disorder;addiction;comorbidity;nursing care;nurse;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 79 f., 4 f. pril.
ID: 8728240