doktorska disertacija
Sabina Lešnik (Author), Mihaela Brumen (Mentor), Milena Ivanuš-Grmek (Co-mentor)


Doktorska disertacija obravnava stališča staršev ter odnos učencev do učenja in poučevanja tujih jezikov in ima dvodelno strukturo. V prvem delu predstavimo splošna izhodišča učenja in poučevanja tujih jezikov ter otrokovo socialno-kulturno okolje in dosedanja znanstvena spoznanja o vlogi socialno-kulturnega okolja. Socialno-kulturno okolje se nanaša na fizično in socialno okolje v katerem ljudje živijo ter vključuje kulturo, kjer se posameznik izobražuje in živi. Socialno-kulturno okolje zajema tradicije, vrednote, prepričanja, stopnjo pismenosti in izobrazbe ter etične standarde. Pričujoča spoznanja predstavljajo temeljno podstat empirične raziskave, predstavljene v drugem delu doktorske disertacije, katere temeljni namen je bil proučiti vlogo socialno-kulturnega okolja pri učenju tujih jezikov. Temeljne ugotovitve empirične raziskave, izvedene od maja do junija 2012, v kateri je sodelovalo 200 staršev učencev devetih razredov in 600 učencev devetih razredov štirih statističnih slovenskih regij (Pomurska, Podravska, Osrednjeslovenska in Goriška regija) so, da socialno-ekonomski status vpliva na spodbujanje učenja tujih jezikov doma, na stališča staršev in učenčev odnos do učenja oziroma poučevanja tujih jezikov. Višji kot je socialno-ekonomski status družine, bolj spodbujajo starši učenje tujih jezikov doma in bolj pozitiven odnos imajo učenci in starši do učenja in poučevanja tujih jezikov. Rezultati so tudi pokazali, da ima velik vpliv na spodbujanje učenja tujih jezikov doma ter na stališča staršev in odnos učencev do učenja in poučevanja do tujih jezikov statistična regija; najspodbudnejše domače okolje za učenje tujih jezikov imajo učenci Osrednjeslovenske regije, prav tako imajo starši in učenci te regije najbolj pozitivna stališča in odnos do učenja in poučevanja tujih jezikov. Na osnovi naše raziskave lahko zaključimo, da je prepričevanje nestrokovne javnosti o smotrnosti zgodnjega učenja tujih jezikov potrebno, s kritično podporo šolske jezikovne politike pa lahko starši bistveno vplivajo na učenje in poučevanje tujih jezikov. Glede na rezultate empirične raziskave podajamo smernice za spodbujanje učenja tujih jezikov na treh ravneh, in sicer državni, lokalni oziroma občinski in šolski ravni.


tuji jeziki;osnovne šole;socialno okolje;kulturno okolje;Slovenija;disertacije;foreign languages;primary school;social environment;cultural environment;Slovenia;dissertations;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Lešnik]
UDC: 81'24:373.3(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 20349960 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3162
Downloads: 526
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Role of Socio-Cultural Environment in Foreign Language Learning
Secondary abstract: The doctoral dissertation deals with parents' and students' attitudes towards foreign language learning as well as teaching foreign languages and consists of two parts. In the first part we present basic foreign language learning and teaching issues, the child%s socio-cultural environment and scientific findings on the role of socio-cultural environment. The socio-cultural environment refers to the physical and social environment in which people live. It also introduces individual's culture. Socio-cultural environment includes traditions, values, beliefs, the level of literacy and education and ethical standards. These findings represent the basic foundation of the empirical research presented in the second part of the doctoral dissertation, with the fundamental purpose to examine the role of socio-cultural environment in learning foreign languages. The main findings of the empirical research conducted in the period between May and July 2012, which included 200 parents who have ninth-grade pupils attending Slovene primary schools and 600 pupils of the ninth-grade primary schools in four statistical regions of Slovenia (Pomurska, Podravska, Central Slovenia and Gorizia), are that the socio-economic status has an effect on encouraging the learning of foreign languages at home as well as parents% and students% attitudes towards learning and teaching foreign languages. The higher the socio-economic status of the family is, the more parents encourage foreign language learning at home, and the more positive attitudes of foreign language learning and teaching parents and pupils have. The results also show that a different Slovenian region has a sagnificant impact on encouraging foreign languages learning at home as well as parents% and pupils% attitudes towards learning and teaching of foreign languages; the most supportive home environment for foreign languages learning have the pupils of the Central Slovenia region, moreover, the parents and pupils of this region have the most positive attitudes towards foreign language learning and teaching. Based on our study we can conclude that it is necessary to convince the non-professional public about the desirability of foreign language learning at the preprimary level. With the critical support of the school language policy parents can have a significant impact on foreign language learning and teaching. Based on the results of our empirical research we provide the guidelines for promoting the foreign languages learning at three levels, the state, local and school levels.
Secondary keywords: foreign languages;socio-cultural environment;parents’ attitudes;primary school;statistical regions of Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 258 str.
ID: 8728728