diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov
Maja Mikulin (Author), Eva Jereb (Mentor)


Glavna tema diplomskega dela so razlogi mladih za nadaljevanje študija po zaključeni prvi stopnji na drugi bolonjski stopnji. Med spremljanjem okolice smo ugotovili, da se zelo veliko mladih odloča za nadaljevanje študija na drugi stopnji in med njihovimi razlogi smo največkrat slišali, da si želijo študij še malo podaljšati, češ da trenutno ni zaposlitve. Zato smo se odločili, da to vprašanje tudi strokovno raziščemo. V prvem, teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo povzeli vsebine s področja izobraževanja in opisali pridobljene statistične podatke o izobraževanju in trenutnem trgu dela. Predvsem smo se osredotočili na statistiko o izobraževanju mladih in o brezposelnih mladih na trgu dela. Opisali smo tudi neskladje na trgu dela in metode iskanja zaposlitve. Drugi del diplomskega dela predstavlja raziskovalni del, v katerem smo analizirali rezultate anonimne ankete. Zanimalo nas je, koliko od njih študij namerava nadaljevati in iz kakšnih razlogov. Predvidevali smo, da se mladi za nadaljevanje študija poleg znanja odločajo tudi zaradi ugodnosti, ki jih študij prinaša. Prav tako pa pričakujejo, da bodo na zasičenem trgu dela z višjo stopnjo hitreje oziroma lažje pridobili prvo zaposlitev. Zanimalo nas je tudi, na kakšen način menijo, da mladi pridobijo prvo zaposlitev, in kako pričakujejo, da jo bodo po zaključku šolanja pridobili sami. V zaključku dela smo povzeli ugotovitve raziskovalnega dela.


izobraževanje;nadaljevanje študija;trg dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Mikulin]
UDC: 374
COBISS: 7335955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 865
Downloads: 90
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The main theme of the thesis is the reasons why young people continue their studies after finishing undergraduate to postgraduate. By monitoring the surroundings we realized that a lot of young people are choosing to continue their studies to postgraduate. Reason that was heard the most is that they want to extend their studies; saying that there currently is no work. So we decided to research it in a professional matter. In the first, theoretical part, we summarize the content of education and describe the obtained statistics on education and the current job market. In particular, we focused on the statistics of the education of young people and the unemployed youth in the labour market. We also described a mismatch in the labour market and job search methods. The second part of the thesis presents research work in which we analysed the results of an anonymous survey. We wanted to know how many of them are planning to continue their studies and for what reasons. We assumed that in addition to knowledge, students also tend to continue their studies due to the benefits that studies bring. Also they expect that in an already saturated labour market they will get their first job faster or easier with higher level of education. We were also interested in what manner they think that young people gain their first job and how they expect to get it after they finish their studies. In conclusion, we summarized the findings of the research work.
Secondary keywords: education;continuing of studies;labour market;young people;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 36 f.
ID: 8730467
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, diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov