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Tanja Razbornik (Author), Karin Širec (Mentor), Vojko Potočan (Co-mentor)


V globalnem podjetništvu prihaja tako do gospodarskih kot do kulturnih razlik. V obdobju pospešene globalizacije ter hitre internacionalizacije podjetij se ekonomske ovire zmanjšujejo, kulturne ovire pa vse bolj povečujejo, kar predstavlja nov izziv in priložnost za organizacije (House 2004, str. 5). Po Hofstedu (The Hofstede Centre 2014) je kultura kolektivno programiranje uma, ki razlikuje člane ene skupine od drugih. Podjetništvo pa je večplasten proces, ki bistveno vpliva na gospodarski razvoj vsake države in je odvisen od podjetnika in okolja, v katerem le-ta deluje. V magistrski nalogi smo v teoretičnem delu opredelili pojem podjetništva in podjetnika ter v obdobju od 2010 do 2012 tabelarično prikazali stanje podjetništva v Sloveniji. Nato smo opredelili nacionalno kulturo in dimenzije nacionalne kulture po Hofstedu. Grafično smo prikazali tudi primerjavo nacionalnih dimenzij med Slovenijo in analizirano skupino držav iz inovacijskega gospodarstva (Belgijo, Dansko, Finsko, Francijo, Irsko, Nemčijo, Nizozemsko, Norveško, Portugalsko, Švedsko in Švico). V empiričnem delu smo na podlagi GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) in GEM NES raziskave skušali odgovoriti na osrednje raziskovalno vprašanje, ki se glasi: Kulturne in družbene norme v Sloveniji se bistveno razlikujejo od povprečja proučevanih držav v skupini inovacijskih gospodarstev. To smo skušali dokazati tako, da smo analizirali dojemanje kulturne podpore, samozaupanja in družbeni status podjetnika v Sloveniji in izbranih državah. Na koncu smo prikazali stanje kulturnih in družbenih norm kot enega izmed okvirnih pogojev za podjetništvo tako v Sloveniji kot tudi v ostalih enajstih državah. Ugotovili smo, da se Slovenija iz podjetniškega in kulturnega vidika najbolj razlikuje od Nizozemske. Za konec lahko dodamo, da se v Sloveniji še vedno ohranjajo pri življenju kulturne in družbene norme propadlega komunizma, ki so v nasprotju z družbenimi in kulturnimi normami klasičnega kapitalizma – individualizmom, samopobudo in prevzemanjem podjetniškega tveganja in tako zavirajo nastanek in razvoj podjetnikov (Kovač 2009).


podjetništvo;razvoj;nacionalna kultura;družbene norme;podjetniška aktivnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Razbornik]
UDC: 005.412:316.7
COBISS: 11987228 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1263
Downloads: 220
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of cultural and social norms on the development of entrepreneurship in the national economy
Secondary abstract: Both economic and cultural differences are discernible in global entrepreneurship. In a period of accelerated globalisation and rapid internationalisation of companies, economic obstacles are diminishing, while cultural obstacles are on the rise. This represents a new challenge, but also opportunities for companies (House 2004, p. 5). Culture is a collective act of mind programming which distinguishes members of one group from those of another, according to Hofstede (The Hofstede Centre 2014). Entrepreneurship represents a multi-faceted process, which crucially influences the economic development of each country and depends both on the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial environment itself. Master thesis’ theoretical part gives definition of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, and a presentation, in table form, of the state of Slovenian entrepreneurship in the years 2010-2012. National culture and dimensions of national culture according to Hofstede are also defined. A comparison of national dimensions between Slovenia and a group of countries which have innovation-based economies (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland) is graphically represented. The empirical part implements GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) and the GEM National Expert Survey to answer the main research question, which is: »Cultural and social norms in Slovenia are fundamentally different from the average of analysed countries with innovation-based economies.« To substantiate this claim, we analyse perception of cultural support, self-reliance and social status of entrepreneurs in Slovenia and chosen countries. Then we present the current state of cultural and social norms as one of the primary conditions for entrepreneurship, both in Slovenia and the group of eleven countries. The findings are that, from an entrepreneurial and cultural standpoint, Slovenia and the Netherlands differ the most. We have also concluded that cultural and social norms from the communist era are still being kept alive in Slovenia. These norms are in opposition to social and cultural norms of classical capitalism (individuality, self-initiative and accepting entrepreneurial risks) and are thus hindering entrepreneurs and the development of businesses (Kovač 2009).
Secondary keywords: Entrepreneurship;culture;national culture;cultural and social norms;entrepreneurial activity;cultural support.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 62 str.
ID: 8731040