magistrsko delo
Tadej Vogrinčič (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Podjetja se vsakodnevno srečujejo z ogromnim številom strank, ki pa ne predstavljajo samo potencialnega vira dohodka, ampak so tudi odličen vir pridobivanja pomembnih informacij za morebitno poznejšo pripravo marketinških akcij in segmentacijo trga. Množico podatkov, ki vsakodnevno prihaja v centralno bazo podatkov je treba uspešno upravljati, da lahko izkoreninimo le tiste spremenljivke, ki so za podjetje pomembne. Podjetja, katera bodo sposobna investirati v iskanje pravih prodajnih priložnosti in izboljševanje prodajnih procesov ter bodo sposobna optimizirati svoj čas za doseganje odličnosti v podpori svojim kupcem bodo konkurenčna na trgu. Sistem CRM postaja v današnjem času ena izmed ključnih programskih rešitev za upravljanje odnosa s strankami. Včasih je veljalo, da so si programske rešitve lahko privoščila le velika podjetja z lastnimi IT- oddelki, medtem ko je danes CRM dostopen tudi malim hitro rastočim podjetjem. Uvedba rešitve CRM še sama po sebi ne pomeni uspeha podjetja, pač pa mu daje podlago za lažjo dosego le-tega. Pogoj za uspešno poslovanje je centralizacija podatkov o strankah, natančno definiranje poslovnih procesov in natančno usmerjena poslovna strategija podjetja. V magistrski nalogi smo uvodoma raziskali področje informatizacije poslovanja kot posledico le-te reorganizacijo poslovanja in procesov ter varnost takega načina dela. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje definirali koncept CRM, tehnologijo, procese in trende ter uporabo rešitve na dotičnem podjetju. V drugem delu smo se teoretično nanašali na uporabo rešitve CRM v praksi, analizirali uvedbo in prenovo rešitve v podjetju ter prikazali trend CRM 2.0 na primeru predstavitve podjetja s pomočjo socialnega omrežja Facebook. V zadnjem delu naloge smo prikazali uporabo testne CRM rešitve, s pomočjo Intrix-ove spletne CRM aplikacije. In kakšna naj bo rešitev CRM, da bo uspešna? Uspeh je zagotovljen, če podjetja sledijo trendom, upoštevajo dosedanje dobre poslovne prakse in se uvedbe lotevajo načrtno. Najpomembnejša lastnost ki jo mora imeti dober sistem CRM je prilagodljivost. Prodajni procesi se skozi leta spreminjajo in temu mora slediti tudi CRM.


poslovanje;elektronsko poslovanje;reorganizacija;prenova;varnost;CRM;upravljanje;odnosi s strankami;poslovna informatika;informatizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Vogrinčič]
UDC: 658.89:004
COBISS: 11996444 Link will open in a new window
Views: 939
Downloads: 181
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business solutions CRM potential in the energy company
Secondary abstract: Companies are constantly faced with a large number of customers, who do not only represent the potential source of income, but they are also an excellent source of important information for any subsequent preparation of marketing campaigns and market segmentation. A mass of information that comes on a daily basis to the central database needs to be successfully managed, so that we can only eradicated those variables that are important for the organization. Companies which will be able to invest in finding the right sales opportunities as well as improve their sales processes and will be capable to optimize their time to achieve excellence in support of its customers, will be competitive in the market. System CMR is becoming one of the key software solutions for managing customer relationships. Formerly it was considered, that the software solutions were able to afford only large companies with their own IT departments, while nowadays CRM is also available for small, rapidly growing organizations. Introduction of CRM solution does not mean the company's success, but it provides a basis for its easy achievement. For a successful business the centralisation of customer data, accurate definition of business processes and a precisely oriented business strategy is needed. In this master's thesis we initially explored the field of computerisation in business as its result, reorganizations and processes, as well as the safety of such patterns. Furthermore we defined in details the concept of CRM, technology, processes and trends and the use of solution on the respective company. In the second part we theoretically related to the practical use of CRM solutions, analysed the introduction and renovation solutions in the company and showed a trend CRM 2.0 on the company presentation example through social network Facebook. In the last part of this thesis we demonstrated the use of the test CRM solution, using Intrix-IBM Web CRM application. And what should be the CRM solution to make it successful? Success is guaranteed if companies follow the trend, take into account an existing good business practices and address the systematic introduction. The most important feature that a good CRM system should have, is its flexibility. Sales processes changes over the years and this must be followed by CRM.
Secondary keywords: Reorganization of business;e-commerce security;CRM;customer relationship management;social CRM.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 80 str.
ID: 8740191
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