(diplomsko delo)
V diplomskem delu, ki je sestavljen iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela, je predstavljen vpliv supervizije na delo in odnose v negovalnem timu na psihiatričnem področju. Supervizija je metoda, namenjena strokovnjaku, ki mu skozi poklicno refleksijo omogoča profesionalni razvoj, razbremenjevanje, razširjanje znanja in spretnosti. Posredno je namenjena tudi uporabniku, saj omogoča kvalitetnejše storitve. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili cilje supervizije, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost supervizije, timsko supervizijo, dejavnike stresa v psihiatrični zdravstveni negi in supervizijo v zdravstveni negi.
V empiričnem delu smo zbrali, analizirali in predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki je bila izvedena v socialno-varstvenem zavodu Dom Nine Pokorn Grmovje. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo dela. Z raziskavo smo hoteli ugotoviti, kako je supervizija vplivala na odnose v negovalnem timu in na opravljanje dela. Rezultati so pokazali, da so odnosi v negovalnem timu bolj sproščeni, kakovost nudenja oskrbe se je povečala, pojavnost obremenitev pa se je zmanjšala le delno, čeprav se je pa samo soočanje s stresom in obremenitvami izboljšalo. Glede na rezultate lahko zaključimo, da so dosegli cilje supervizije. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili, da ni statistično pomembne razlike med oceno vloge supervizije in delovno dobo anketiranih.
supervizija;psihiatrična zdravstvena nega;komunikacija;stres;odnosi;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[A. Prajnšperger] |
UDC: |
159.9:614.2(043.2) |
Views: |
903 |
Downloads: |
123 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis, which consists of a theoretical and an empirical part, describes influence of supervision on relationships and work in nursing team in psychiatric nursing. Supervision is a method for qualified experts, which provides professional development, relieving and developing knowledge and skills through their proffesional reflection. Supervision is indirectly meant for user because it allows a higher quality of service. In thesis are presented the objectives of supervision, factors that influence the effectiveness of supervision, team supervision, stress factors in psychiatric nursing and clinical supervision in nursing.
The empirical part of the thesis depicts the results of research, which was conducted in special social care institute Dom Nine Pokorn Grmovje. We used quantitative method of work for research. The aim of study was to determine how supervision impacts on relationships in nursing team and their work. The results showed that relationships in nursing team are more relaxed, quality of care has increased, incidence of demands decreased partially, although dealing with stress and demands at work improved. Based on this results we can conclude that they achieved objectives of supervision. Through research, we also concluded there is no significant difference between assessment of the impact of supervision on work in relation to the length of service of the respondents. |
Secondary keywords: |
supervision;psychiatric nursing;communication;stress;relationships; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
IV, 41 f., 3 f. pril. |
ID: |
8751762 |