magistrska naloga
Podjetja se vedno bolj zavedajo, da je zadovoljni odjemalec eden izmed najpomembnejših dejavnikov uspešnega podjetja. Bolj kot je trg konkurenčen, pomembnejša je raven zadovoljstva odjemalcev.
Zadovoljen odjemalec aktivno sodeluje pri marketingu podjetja, torej podjetju pomaga pri doseganju njegovih ciljev, redno spremljanje zadovoljstva odjemalcev pa pomeni način, kako dosegati vedno boljše poslovne rezultate.
Zadovoljstvo odjemalcev z izdelki ali storitvami podjetja je ključnega pomena za uspešno sodelovanje med prodajalci in odjemalci, brez katerega ni možnosti za razvoj oz. napredek.
Storitev je neotipljiva in spremenljiva, kar je povezano s tveganjem tako pri odjemalcih (gostih), kot tudi za poslovanje turističnih objektov. Storitev in njena kakovostna izvedba je osnova za diferenciacijo, ki vodi k zadovoljstvu odjemalca in posledično v zagotavljanje konkurenčne prednosti. Temelj za oceno kakovosti opravljene storitve je soočanje s storitvijo, pri čemer je najpomembnejši kontakt in odnos zaposlenega do odjemalca, ki neposredno vpliva na raven kakovosti storitve ter končno na zadovoljstvo odjemalca s celotno storitvijo oziroma izdelkom.
Dejstvo je da, odjemalci različno ocenjujejo zadovoljstvo, saj so njihova pričakovanja različna, zato je pomembno prepoznati želje in zadovoljiti njihova pričakovanja. Zadovoljen odjemalec se vrača in postaja zvest podjetju, kar pozitivno vpliva na obseg zasedenosti kapacitet oziroma povečanje poslovanja, posledično pa tudi na marketing podjetja. Najboljša reklama za podjetje je prav zadovoljen odjemalec.
Zavedati se moramo, da podjetje, ki nima odjemalcev, ne more dlje časa obstajati. Podjetja obstajajo zaradi odjemalcev, njihovih želja in potreb in ne obratno.
Prepričan sem, da bo vsak posameznik v magistrski nalogi našel vsaj nekaj koristnih nasvetov in idej, ki mu bodo prišle prav in mu olajšale vsakdanje delo z odjemalci ter dvignile raven zadovoljstva odjemalcev na višjo raven.
storitve;termalna kopališča;uporabniki;kupci;pričakovanja;zvestoba;kakovost;zadovoljstvo;merjenje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[M. Perš] |
UDC: |
658.89 |
Views: |
1262 |
Downloads: |
243 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Determination of customers satisfaction with the services in SPA Vivat |
Secondary abstract: |
Companies should be aware that a satisfied customer is one of the most important factor in a successful business. The more competitive the market is, the more important the level of customer satisfaction.
A satisfied customer can become actively involved in company marketing, and helps the company achieving its objectives; regular monitoring of customer satisfaction is a mean to achieve better business results.
Customer satisfaction with the company’s products or services is crucial for successful cooperation between vendors and customers; without that there is no possibility for development or progress.
The services are intangible and variable and that is associated with the risk for customers (guests) as well as for tourism business. Service and its quality performance is the foundation for differentiation, which leads to customer's satisfaction and competitive advantages. The qualities of the services depend on contact and relationship between customers and employees. This contact directly effects on the level of service quality and ultimately on customer satisfaction with the overall services or products.
It is a well-known fact that customers perceive satisfaction subjectively, because their expectations are different, so it is important to identify their needs and to meet their expectations. Satisfied customers return and becoming loyal to the company, which has a positive impact on sales volume and help in developing new marketing activities. Satisfied customers can also be the best advertisement for the company.
We must be aware that a company cannot exist without customers. Companies only exist for their customers’ needs and desires, not the opposite.
I believe that the current master thesis can help companies and individual to find some useful tips and ideas that will help him/her in the daily dealing with customers and improve his/hers level of knowledge regarding the customer’s satisfaction. |
Secondary keywords: |
customer;customer satisfaction measurement;customer satisfaction;customer expectations;customer loyalty;the concept of quality customers; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 81 str., 3 str. pril. |
ID: |
8752841 |