diplomsko delo


Svetovna gospodarska kriza v Sloveniji ni prizadela le gospodarstva, pač pa je močno zamajala tudi trg dela. Posledice krize so najbolj občutili prav mladi, ki se iz leta v leto srečujejo z vse višjo stopnjo brezposelnosti, prav tako pa imajo tudi težave pri iskanju prve zaposlitve. V tem diplomskem delu smo želeli predstaviti predvsem alternativne možnosti zaposlitev, ki bi mladim po zaključku terciarnega izobraževanja omogočile lažji prehod na trg dela, istočasno pa povečale tudi možnosti za zaposlitev. V teoretičnem delu smo naprej predstavili razloge za brezposelnost mladih, se dotaknili standardnih in nestandardnih oblik dela, med katere kot eno izmed najbolj razširjenih oblik fleksibilne zaposlitve sodi študentsko delo, predstavili aktivne in pasivne načine iskanja zaposlitve, pri čemer smo podrobneje opredelili delo in vlogo Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje ter kariernih (zaposlitvenih) centrov, raziskali zaposlitvene možnosti, med katere sodijo samozaposlitev, prekvalifikacija poklica in zaposlitev v tujini, ter nenazadnje opredelili vpliv šolske svetovalne službe oziroma svetovalnega delavca pri poklicni orientaciji učencev in dijakov v osnovni in srednji šoli. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli med dvema skupinama študentov Filozofske fakultete v Mariboru - tistimi, ki študij zaključujejo, ter tistimi, ki so študij že zaključili. Raziskava je bila opravljena z namenom, da bi raziskali zaposlitvene možnosti mladih pred končanim terciarnim izobraževanjem in po njem, prav tako pa smo želeli raziskati tudi morebiten obstoj razlik med skupinama. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima sicer večina posameznikov pozitiven odnos do omenjenih alternativnih možnosti zaposlitve, vendar pa med tema dvema skupinama kljub temu prihaja do razlik. Tisti, ki so študij že zaključili, so v primerjavi s tistimi, ki študij zaključujejo, nekoliko bolj dovzetni za te možnosti, saj so z razmerami na trgu dela že seznanjeni in vedo, da po višješolski izobrazbi družboslovnih in humanističnih smeri trenutno ni povpraševanja, kar pomeni, da so primorani v iskanje zaposlitve tudi v drugih poklicih, za katere je morda zahtevana celo nižja izobrazba. Tisti, ki študij zaključujejo, na drugi strani glede svojih zaposlitvenih možnosti ostajajo optimistični, čeprav se tudi oni zavedajo razmer na trgu dela in že razmišljajo o alternativnih rešitvah, ki bi jim omogočile hitro in uspešno zaposlitev bodisi doma bodisi v tujini.


diplomska dela;brezposelnost mladih;zaposlitvene možnosti;samozaposlitev;prekvalifikacija poklica;delo v tujini;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [P. Ogrizek]
UDC: 378:331.5-053.81(043.2)
COBISS: 21509640 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2370
Downloads: 138
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employment opportunities for young people after tertiary education
Secondary abstract: The global financial crisis (GFC) in Slovenia hasn't only affected the economy, it had a significant effect on the labour market as well. Young people in particular were the ones who were affected the most. Not only is the unemployment rate among young people in Slovenia increasing rapidly each year, they also tend to experience difficulties trying to enter the workforce. In this diploma thesis, we wish to emphasize the importance of alternative employment opportunities in order to ensure young people a smooth transition from finishing tertiary education to entering the labour market and to increase their employment opportunities. In the theoretical part, we first explained the reasons for youth unemployment, then discussed typical and atypical (non-standard) forms of employment where we also mentioned student work as one of the most common flexible forms of employment, introduced active and passive job searching, and also explained in more detail the role and activity of the Employment Service of Slovenia and career (employment) centres, investigated employment opportunities which include self-employment, retraining and work abroad, and last, but not least, we defined the influence of school counselling service regarding vocational orientation of pupils and students in primary and secondary schools. In the empirical part, we introduced results of a questionnaire survey carried out among two separate groups of students attending the Faculty of Arts in Maribor - those who are still finishing their post-graduate studies, and those who had already finished their studies. The survey was carried out in order to investigate employment opportunities of young people before and after tertiary education, and also to explore the existence of differences between the two groups. The results showed that the majority of individuals tend to have a positive attitude towards alternative employment opportunities - nevertheless, differences between the two groups do exist. Those who had already finished their studies seem to be more susceptible regarding employment opportunities, mostly because they are more familiar with employment conditions in the labour market and are convinced that tertiary education - especially social sciences and humanistic studies - is not considered to provide opportunities for future jobs in Slovenia. These students are therefore obligated to seek any type of employment regardless of the level of education. Those who are still finishing their studies are, on the other hand, more optimistic about their employment opportunities, even though they are aware of current working conditions in the labour market and are already thinking about alternative solutions that would enable them to find a fast and successful employment either home or abroad.
Secondary keywords: theses;youth unemployment;employment oppotunities;self-employment;retraining;work abroud;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: VI, 131 f., 11 f. pril.
ID: 8753041
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