diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
Vida Perdigal (Author), Nataša Šuman (Mentor)


Kakovost v gradbeništvu je za vse sodelujoče v procesu velikega pomena. Investitorji postajajo vedno zahtevnejši, saj želijo s čim manj vloženega kapitala, večje učinke in najvišji nivo kakovosti zgrajenega objekta. Vidnost napak, ki se dogodijo v času gradnje objekta, se pojavi predvsem po zaključku gradnje. Reklamacije, ki ob tem nastajajo pripeljejo investitorje do nezaupanja, do vnovčenja finančnih zavarovanj (jamstev) za dobro izvedbo del in celo do same tožbe. Kot cilj diplomske naloge je opozoriti predvsem gradbene inženiringe brez lastne operative, da se kakovost mora zagotavljati skozi vse faze gradnje objekta. Zaradi časovne omejitve in obvladovanja več gradbišč hkrati, odgovorni vodja del ali vodja gradbišča v gradbenem inženiringu fizično ni sposoben biti istočasno na dveh koncih. Zato smo mnenja, da bi s ciljem doseganja višjega nivoja kakovosti izvajanja del morali v gradbenih inženiringih zaposliti gradbenega delovodjo, ki bi hkrati obvladoval le dve do tri gradbišča. Ta bi bil »podaljšana roka« odgovornega vodje del in bi s svojo prisotnostjo na gradbišču izvajal kontrolo nad zagotavljanjem kakovosti ter nad posameznimi izvajalci različnih faz gradnje in še boljše ter večje pokrivnosti koordinacije. Z opisom začetkov doseganja kakovosti in pomena zagotavljanja kakovosti v gradbeništvu smo v diplomski nalogi prikazali pomembnost zagotavljanja kakovosti v gradbenih inženiringih pri gradnji objekta vse od neposredne priprave na gradnjo do same gradnje objekta in predaje v uporabo. Vestnost, skrbnost, delavnost in znanje so pokazatelji večje kakovosti izvedbe del v vseh fazah gradnje objekta, kakor tudi po končani gradnji. Posledično je naslednja faza procesa graditve objekta, to je faza obratovanja in vzdrževanja objekta lažje obvladljiva in vodena, saj se z vzpostavljenim učinkovitim sistemom zagotavljanja kakovosti že v fazi projektiranja in v kasnejših fazah upoštevajo vidiki o kakovosti materiala, kakovostni izvedbi in funkcionalnosti objekta.


kakovost;zagotavljanje kakovosti;kakovost pri gradnji objektov;aktivnosti graditve objektov;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [V. Perdigal]
UDC: 005.6:69.05(043.2)
COBISS: 19122198 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1000
Downloads: 319
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Quality in civil engineering is vital to all parties involved in the process. Investors are getting more and more demanding in order to achieve greater effects and top quality of the construction object with the lowest possible capital invested. The errors occurring during construction usually become visible after the completion of construction works. The warranties thus claimed lead to distrust on the part of investors, drawing of performance guarantees (bonds) and even lawsuits. The diploma thesis is primarily aimed at warning construction engineering firms with no own operative services that they are required to assure quality throughout all stages of construction. Due to a time limit and simultaneous management of several construction sites, a responsible site manager or the head of a construction site at a civil engineering firm is not physically capable of being in two places at the same time. Therefore, in order to achieve a higher level of quality in the implementation of works, construction engineering firms should consider employing a civil engineering foreman who would manage only two to three sites at the same time. Such supervisor would be an “extended arm” of the responsible works manager and would supervise quality assurance and individual contractors carrying out various stages of construction by being present at the construction site, thus guaranteeing better and wider coverage of coordination. By describing the prerequisites for achieving quality and the importance of quality assurance in civil engineering, the diploma thesis presents the significance of quality assurance at construction engineering firms, i.e. from the immediate preparation for construction works to the very construction of object and its transfer to exploitation. Integrity, care, diligence and knowledge are indicators of a higher quality of the works implemented during all stages of construction as well as following their completion. As a result, the next stage of the construction process, i.e. the operation and maintenance of a object, can be more easily managed, since the design and subsequent stages have already taken into account aspects regarding the quality of materials, implementation and functionality of a structure based on an established efficient quality assurance system.
Secondary keywords: assurance;quality;construction;activities;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo
Pages: IX, 78 f., [16] f. pril.
ID: 8756467
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