magistrsko delo Management informacijskih sistemov, Sistemi za podporo odločanju


Naloga obravnava združitev različnih sistemov poslovne inteligence ob prevzemu podjetja. Vsa podjetja, ki so bila združena, so do zdaj uporabljala svojo metodo pridobivanja, skladiščenja in uporabe svojih podatkov. Združevanje sistemov poslovne inteligence več podjetij predstavlja velik izziv, še posebej ob postavljenih omejitvah virov (časa in denarja). Cilj naloge je prikaz vseh postopkov pri izdelavi poenotenega modela načrtovanja in poročanja. V ta namen smo opravili analizo obstoječega stanja, ki je bilo izhodišče za pripravo različnih pristopov k združevanju sistemov poslovne inteligence. Opisali smo pojme poslovne inteligence in proizvode, ki smo jih med združevanjem uporabljali. Opredelili smo različne predloge združevanja, začasno rešitev, rezultat združevanja poslovne inteligence in možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja. Združevanje poslovne inteligence več podjetij je velik projekt, ki se le z dobro motivacijo in podporo vodstva konča uspešno in z zadovoljstvom vseh vključenih v ta proces.


poslovna inteligenca;baze podatkov;planiranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [P. Brišar]
UDC: 004.5
COBISS: 7453459 Link will open in a new window
Views: 937
Downloads: 84
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Model of BI systems merging after a company take-over
Secondary abstract: This Master’s thesis addresses the issue how different business intelligence systems are merged into one, when a company takes-over another company. Companies that have been merged had their own method how the data was collected, stored, and used. The process of merging different business intelligence systems represents a great challenge for the businesses, especially when the resources are limited (e.g. time and money). The thesis aim is to present the process of integrating a common planning and reporting model in several different BI systems. Prior to achieve the aim an analysis of current situation has been completed and will be used as a basis of creating different approaches of merging BI systems. The concepts of business intelligence and the products that were used during the BI systems integration have also been described. In addition, various different proposals of BI systems integration, a temporary solution as well as a result of merging business intelligence and possibilities for further development have been defined within the thesis. Since merging multiple business intelligence systems into one is considered as a challenging project a great deal of every employee’s motivation as well as total management support are required in order to successfully complete the merging process that will satisfy all involved parties.
Secondary keywords: business intelligence;data warehouse;planning;reporting;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Maribor, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 8756491
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