diplomsko delo
Nika Košmelj (Author), Tjaša Filipčič (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo teoretična izhodišča senzorne integracije, njen razvoj do 7. leta starosti, značilnosti, delovanje in njeno povezavo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, posebej z otroki z motnjo v duševnem razvoju in z motnjami avtističnega spektra. Natančneje so opredeljeni senzorni sistemi in delovanje živčevja. V nadaljevanju so opisane različne vrste aktivnosti za spodbujanje senzornih sistemov ter njihova uporaba v šolah in pri terapijah senzorne integracije. V empiričnem delu je opisano izvajanje ur interesne dejavnosti z aktivnostmi za spodbujanje senzorne integracije. Opazovana sta bila dva učenca, ki obiskujeta osnovno šolo s prilagojenim programom, oba z motnjo v duševnem razvoju v kombinaciji z motnjo avtističnega spektra. Ob analizi vprašalnikov, ocenjevalnih lestvic in evalvacijskih lističev smo ugotovili pozitivne učinke vključitve v interesno dejavnost, pozitivne odzive učencev, razlike v napredku med učencema in statistično nepomembno spremembo hiposenzoričnega oz. hipersenzoričnega profila posameznika po izvajanju interesne aktivnosti.


senzorna integracija;motnje senzorne integracije;učenci z motnjami avtističnega spektra;avtizem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Košmelj]
UDC: 159.922.76-056.313(043.2)
COBISS: 10558537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1372
Downloads: 196
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Encouragement of sensory integration in children with intellectual disabilities
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part we present a theoretical outline of sensory integration, including its development up to the age of 7, characteristics, action and connection with children with special needs, particularly with children with intellectual disabilities and autistic spectrum disorder. Sensory systems and nervous system activity are defined in greater detail. Further on different kinds of activities for encouragement of sensory system are described. Their use in schools and sensory integration therapies is also described. In the empirical part the execution of activities involving encouragement of sensory integration is outlined. Two pupils attending a special school have been observed. Both of them have intellectual disabilities in combination with autistic spectrum disorder. After the analyses of questionnaires, evaluation scales, and evaluation sheets we have found out positive effects of integration in activities, positive pupil response, and differences in progress between the pupils and a statistically irrelevant change of hypo-sensory or hyper-sensory profile of an individual after the execution of the activity.
Secondary keywords: backward child;mentally handicapped;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;duševno prizadeti;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 136 str.
ID: 8758287