diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Alja Hudomalj (Author), Bojan Rosi (Mentor), Marjan Sternad (Co-mentor)


Transport je sektor, ki je razvit v večini gospodarstev po svetu. Je nekakšen povezovalni steber vseh svetovnih trgov. Ko se je leta 2007 začela kriza v ZDA, se je kmalu kriza razširila v vse panoge gospodarstev, prizadela je vse sektorje, vključno s transportom. Avtomobilska industrija je trpela, avtoprevozniki so zaradi recesije v cestno transportnem sektorju težko poslovali, ogromno tovora, ki je leta prej prihajal in odhajal iz držav, je bilo ustavljenega. Rast transportnih storitev se je ustavila. Gospodarska kriza je prizadela tako posameznike, kot celotna gospodarstva. A vendar so ob vseh izgubah in zaprtjih nekaterih podjetij obstajala transportna podjetja, ki so s pravilnimi ukrepi premagala krizo in se ji uspešno zoperstavila. To so podjetja, ki so uspešno delovala že pred krizo, tako, da jih izguba transportnih storitev in zmanjšan obseg povpraševanja nista dokončno ustavila.


prevozniki;prevozna podjetja;gospodarska kriza;transport;poslovanje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [A. Hudomalj]
UDC: 656
COBISS: 512750653 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1207
Downloads: 84
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of the economic crisis on transportation
Secondary abstract: Transport is a sector which is developed in most of the economies around the world. It is a connecting pillar of global markets among themselves. When the crisis began in the USA in 2007, the crisis soon spread to all economies and it affected all sectors, including transport. The automobile industry suffered, entrepreneurs bussines was difficult because of the recession in the road transport sector, a huge load which in earlier years was coming in to and going out of the countries was stopped. Growth of transport services stopped. Economic crisis has affected on both individuals as well as on the entire economy. Yet with all the losses and the closures of some companies, there existed some transport companies that with the right measures overcame the crisis and stood successfully until it´s ending. These are companies that have successfully worked before crisis, so that lossed of the transport service and no demands didn´t stop their business.
Secondary keywords: carriers;transport companies;economic crisis;transportation;business;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VI, 46 f., 15 f. pril.
ID: 8760797
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