diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Maja Šipec (Avtor), Vida Kampuš Trop (Mentor), Anja Žnidaršič (Komentor)


Prvi del diplomskega dela prikazuje začetek gospodarske in finančne krize, ki se je s špekulacijami in prodajami hipotekarnih posojil začela najprej v ZDA, nato pa se je hitro razširila v Evropo in posledično v Slovenijo, kjer je največjo škodo utrpela prav gradbena dejavnost. Na podlagi proučevanja literature in raznih virov smo ugotavljali, kakšna je bila razsežnost zadnje gospodarske krize ter kako je posledično vplivala tudi na ostale evropske države, ki so bile še bolj ranljive kot Slovenija. Z anketnim vprašalnikom, poslanim tridesetim gradbenim podjetjem, smo raziskovali posledice gospodarske krize v njih ter navedli ukrepe, ki so jih uvedla za zmanjševanje posledic omenjene krize. Osrednji del naloge opisuje vpliv gospodarske in finančne krize na podjetje Rakan d.o.o., katerega glavna in edina dejavnost je proizvodnja in vgrajevanje betonske armature v gradbeništvu. S proučevanjem raznih njihovih internih dokumentov smo ugotovili poslovanje podjetja pred krizo in posledice, ki jih je povzročila. V aplikativno raziskovalnem delu naloge smo s testiranjem potrdili tri hipoteze: 1: Po izbruhu gospodarske krize se je obseg poslovanja podjetja Rakan d.o.o. zmanjšal za najmanj tretjino. 2: Protikrizni ukrep Vlade Republike Slovenije o mehanizmu »obrnjene davčne obveznosti« je ugodno vplival na poslovanje podjetja Rakan d.o.o. 3: Gospodarska kriza je negativno vplivala na poslovanje drugih gradbenih podjetij v Sloveniji. Na koncu so podani predlogi in ukrepi, ki naj bi jih podjetje Rakan d.o.o. uvedlo za izboljšanje njihovega trenutnega poslovanja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da bi moralo podjetje več sredstev nameniti spletnemu oglaševanju, saj bi s tem pridobilo večjo prepoznavnost na trgu. Poleg tega bi moralo tudi zmanjšati stroške poslovanja in se zavarovati pred finančno nedisciplino. Eden od pomembnih predlaganih ukrepov je bila tudi celovitejša motivacija delavcev. Pomembno je, da ne varčujemo s tem, da odpuščamo dobro delovno silo, ampak jo skušamo čim bolj motivirati tudi z nematerialnimi sredstvi. Med drugim jih moramo seznaniti s poslanstvom podjetja in jih soočiti z njegovimi cilji kot tudi s tem, da bo podjetje zvišalo njihove plače, čim bodo uspeli skupaj prebroditi trenutno gospodarsko krizo.

Ključne besede

gospodarska kriza;gradbeništvo;betonska armatura;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [M. Šipec]
UDK: 33
COBISS: 7706643 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1015
Št. prenosov: 73
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The first part of the thesis represents the beginning of the economic recession and the financial crisis which first started in the USA by speculations and sales of mortgage loans and then quickly spread to Europe and consequently to Slovenia where the biggest damage was suffered by the construction sector. On the basis of studying literature and several sources we were ascertaining what the scope of the last economic depression was and how it consequently influenced also the other European countries that were even more vulnerable than Slovenia. By means of a survey questionnaire sent to thirty construction companies, we researched the consequences of the economic recession for these companies, and we listed the measures they introduced in order to reduce the consequences of the mentioned recession. The central part of the thesis describes the influence of the economic recession and the financial crisis on the company Rakan d.o.o., which major and the only activity is the production and installation of the concrete armature in the construction industry. By studying their several internal documents we determined the conduct of business of the company before the recession and the consequences the latter caused. In the applicative researching part of the thesis we confirmed three hypotheses by means of testing: 1: After the outbreak of the economic recession the scope of business of the company Rakan d.o.o. was reduced for at least one third. 2: Counter-recession measures of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of the mechanism “VAT reverse charge procedure” influenced favorably the conduct of business of the company Rakan d.o.o. 3: The economic recession negatively influenced the conduct of business of other construction companies in Slovenia. At the end, the proposals and measures which should be introduced by the company Rakan d.o.o. in order to improve their current conduct of business are listed. We also discovered that the company should allocate more funding to internet advertising, for that would help acquiring greater visibility of the company in the market. In addition, the company should reduce the costs of conducting business and insure itself against financial indiscipline. One of the important proposed measures was also more integral motivation of the employees. It is important not to save by dismissing qualitative workforce but try to motivate it also by means of non-material instruments. Among others, we must acquaint them with the mission of the company and confront them by the company goals as well as by the fact that the company will raise their wages as soon as it manages to overcome the current economic recession.
Sekundarne ključne besede: economic recession;construction sector;concrete armature;company;measures;elimination of the consequences of the financial crisis.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: 66 f.
ID: 9154795
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija