diplomsko delo
Janja Koštomaj (Author), Marija Ropič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu obravnavamo razvoj grafomotorike pri predšolskih otrocih. Grafomotorične dejavnosti so zelo pomembne že v predšolskem obdobju, saj si s tem otroci razvijajo spretnosti, ki so kasneje zelo pomembne pri pisanju in samem razvoju grafomotorike. O grafomotoričnih spretnostih lahko govorimo že v starosti dveh let, ko otrok ugotovi, da pisalo pušča sled in se s tem prične obdobje čečkanja. Kasneje pa začne posnemati določene oblike. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je opredeljeno področje motorike in grafomotorike. Predstavljena je otroška risba in njen razvoj. Eno izmed poglavij je namenjeno risanju kroga, ki je pomembno kasneje pri empiričnem delu. Opredeljen je pojem zgodnja pismenost in predstavljena je teorija mišljenja Jeana Piageta. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali in iskali odgovore na vprašanja, ki smo si jih na začetku zastavili. Zanimalo nas je, kako otroci napredujejo v razvoju sposobnosti pri risanju naslednjih likov: krog, kvadrat in trikotnik ter kako se s tem razvijajo njihove grafomotorične spretnosti. Otrokovo napredovanje bi moralo biti opazno zaradi doslednega izvajanja vnaprej pripravljenih načrtovanih dejavnosti. Izvedena je bila spremljava dela v obdobju enega meseca na podlagi kontrolne in eksperimentalne skupine. V tem času lahko govorimo o napredovanju otrok. Otroke smo vrednotili glede na sposobnosti risanja kroga, kvadrata in trikotnika, na začetku in na koncu raziskovalnega obdobja v obeh skupinah. Opazovali smo tudi držo pisala in določili njihovo dominantno roko.


diplomska dela;motorika;grafomotorika;orientacija;otroška risba;krog;kvadrat;trikotnik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Koštomaj]
UDC: 159.946.4-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 21502728 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4731
Downloads: 1022
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In my diploma I discuss the development of graphic-motoric functions at preschool children. Graphic-motoric functions are very important even at an early stage at preschool children, because with it children develop skills that are very important later in life when writing and developing graphic-motoric functions. We can speak of graphic-motoric functions even with two-year olds, when a child discovers that a pen leaves marks and with it begins the so-called time of doodling. Afterwards they start to copy certain shapes. In the first part of my diploma I define the field of motoric and graphic-motoric functions. I present a children's drawing and its development. One of thež chapters is focused on drawing a circle, which is important for the empirical part of the diploma later on. I also define the concept of early literacy and present the theory of thinking by Jean Piaget. The empirical part researches and searches for answers to questions which we asked ourselves at the start. We were interested in how children progress in their development of skills at drawing certain shapes: circle, square and triangle; as well as how this helps develop their graphic-motoric functions. A child's progress should be noticed due to consistent execution of pre-planned activities. I observed a one month's time of work based on a control and experimental group. In this time we can talk of children's progression. We evaluated children based on their skills to draw a circle, square and triangle at the start and at the end of the research time window in both groups. We also observed how they hold the pen and determined their dominant hand.
Secondary keywords: theses;mtoric functions;graphic-motoric functions;orientation;childrenʼs drawing;circle;square;triangle;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 64 f.
ID: 8761016