diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Vojko Žagar (Author), Jože Florjančič (Mentor)


POVZETEK Rudi Kerševan v svoji knjigi Gledam modro, vidim plavo napiše:«Če bi lahko izbiral med zadovoljstvom in bogastvom, bi izbral zadovoljstvo, ker bi bil rad bogat.« Ta uvodna misel napeljuje na temelj pričujočega diplomskega dela. Njegov cilj je preučitev funkcije direktorja in njegov vpliv na oblikovanje kadrov v podjetju in s tem posledično na uspešnost poslovanja podjetja. V sodobnem svetu poslovanja je že dalj časa znano, da uspešnost podjetja ne predstavljajo le njegovi dobri rezultati poslovanja in napredek podjetja, temveč tudi zaposleni delavci v podjetju, ki predstavljajo skupino ljudi s skupnimi cilji. Tu ima direktor ključno vlogo. Na delovna mesta mora postaviti primerno usposobljene ljudi, ki jim mora omogočiti ustrezne delovne pogoje, možnost napredovanja, usposabljanja in izobraževanja ter jih ustrezno motivirati. Strukturno je diplomska naloga razdeljena na dva dela, na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu bom predstavil funkcijo direktorja in njen pomen na izoblikovanje in delovanje kadrov, sledi opis kadrovske funkcije in njenega procesa, kadrovske politike in vodenje podjetja. V empiričnem delu pa bom predstavil analizo anketnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga izvedel v podjetju Von d.o.o., in s tem prikazal praktičen pogled na izvajanje kadrovske funkcije direktorja v podjetju Von d.o.o.


direktor;kadri;kadrovska funkcija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [V. Žagar]
UDC: 331.108
COBISS: 6574611 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3188
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: ABSTRACT Rudi Kerševan in his book Gledam modro, vidim plavo writes: "If you could choose between wealth and satisfaction, satisfaction would be selected because it was like to be rich." This recital of thought suggests the foundation of the present her thesis. Its aim is to examine a director and his influence on the design staff in the company and, consequently, the success of the company. In the modern world of business has long been known that the performance of the company not only represent its good business results and company progress, but also the staff of the company, representing a group of people with common goals. Here the director has a key role. On the jobs must be set properly qualified people, who must allow adequate working conditions, promotion opportunities, training and education and motivate them accordingly. Structural graduation thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical and empirical work. In the theoretical part I will present duties of a director and its importance to the accomplishment and operation staff, followed by a statement of functions and its processes, human resources policy and management. In the empirical part I will present an analysis of questionnaires, which I conducted in the company Von d.o.o, and to demonstrate that a practical look at the implementation of the staff as a director in the company Von d.o.o.
Secondary keywords: KEYWORDS • director • stuff • stuff function • management • leadership;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 56 f.
ID: 8761663
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