diplomsko delo
Barbara Legen (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Etažna lastnina je poseben institut stvarnega prava, ki je dokaj zapleten. Etažna lastnina izhaja iz solastnine na nepremičnini. Posebnost instituta se kaže v tem, da predstavlja lastninsko pravico na posameznem delu in hkrati tudi solastninsko pravico na skupnem delu večstanovanjske stavbe. Pri etažni lastnini je poleg oblikovanja le-te pomemben tudi zemljiškoknjižni vidik etažne lastnine in to je vpis v zemljiško knjigo. Če pogledamo v čas družbene lastnine, lahko vidimo, da kot posledica neurejenih razmer na nepremičninskem področju nosimo posledice še danes. Ravno zaradi neurejenosti še danes nekatera stanovanja niso vpisana oziroma evidentirana v zemljiški knjigi. Tako sta oblikovanje etažne lastnine kot vpis etažne lastnine v zemljiško knjigo zelo pomembna z vidika varnosti pravnega položaja etažnega lastnika in tudi za varnost pravnega prometa z nepremičninami. Etažni lastniki imajo poleg pravic tudi določene obveznosti. Za mirno sožitje med posameznimi etažnimi lastniki v večstanovanjski stavbi je zelo pomembno, da so razmerja med njimi zakonsko urejena. Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti stvarnopravni in zemljiškoknjižni vidik etažne lastnine, torej s stvarnopravnim vidikom etažno lastnino predstaviti njeno splošno ureditev v Sloveniji. Z zemljiškoknjižnim vidikom pa vpis le-te v zemljiško knjigo in pogoje, ki morajo biti ob tem izpolnjeni. V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo: pojem in njen razvoj, odstop od dveh pomembnih načel stvarnega prava, predmet etažne lastnine, posamezni deli stavbe, skupni deli in posebni skupni deli stavbe v etažni lastnini, nastanek, razpolaganje, razmerja, posebnosti in prenehanje etažne lastnine, zemljiškoknjižni vidiki etažne lastnine, vpis v kataster stavb, vpis v zemljiško knjigo, zemljiškoknjižni predlog, zaznamba, predznamba, vknjižba in na koncu posamezni zakoni, ki prav tako urejajo področje etažne lastnine in njihove posebnosti, ki jih prinašajo.


etažna lastnina;zemljiška knjiga;stavbe;etažni lastniki;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Legen]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4269355 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3416
Downloads: 419
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Floor ownership is a special institute of property law, which is quite complicated. Floor ownership results from joint ownership of fixed property. Specialty of the institute is shown by the fact that it represents ownership right of individual part and at the same time joint ownership on the joint part of multi-storey building. In floor ownership, next to the formation of it, land register aspect of the floor ownership is also important, that is registration in the land register. Looking at the time of public property, we can see that we still feel the consequences of unsettled conditions in the field of fixed property. This is the reason why some dwellings are still note registered in land register. Formations of floor ownership as well as the registration of floor ownership in the land register are two very important aspects for the security of legal situation of the floor owner and also for the security of legal trade with fixed property. Floor owners have rights as well as certain duties. For peaceful relations between different floor owners in multi-story building it is very important that those relations are legally settled. The purpose of the graduation thesis is to present property law and land register aspects of floor ownership. With the property law aspect I wish to show general regulations of floor ownership in Slovenia. And with the land register aspect I wish to show the registration of floor ownership and conditions that have to be fulfilled. The graduation thesis deals with: the term and its development; deviation from two important principles of property law; the subject of floor ownership and individual parts of the building; joint parts and special joint parts of the building in floor ownership; formation, disposal, relationships, specialties and termination of floor ownership; land registry aspect of floor ownership; registration in buildings cadastre; registration in land registry; land registry proposal; notice; pre-notice; registration; and finally particular laws, which are also governing the field of floor ownership and specialties, which accompany them.
Secondary keywords: floor ownership;land registry;individual parts of the building;joint parts of the building;relations between floor owners;buildings cadastre;act on formation of floor ownership;land registry proposal.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 69 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 8761977