diplomsko delo
Janja Fink (Author), Darija Petek (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela z naslovom Naravoslovni kotički v vrtcu je oblikovati, zasnovati, dejansko postaviti in pripraviti naravoslovni kotiček, kjer so otrokom na voljo naravni materiali, razni pripomočki, ki omogočajo odkrivanje in spoznavanje okolja, ki nas obdaja. Doseči želimo, da bi naravoslovni kotiček postal stalni in da bi se otroci v le-tem aktivno vključevali, samostojno in ob tem tudi lastno raziskovali, saj so naravoslovne teme najprimernejše za raziskovanje v zgodnjem otroštvu. Teoretični del predstavlja pomen naravoslovja v predšolskem obdobju, potek raziskovalnega dela, vlogo vzgojitelja in otroka pri raziskovalnem delu, pomen naravoslovno-raziskovalnega kotička. Rdečo nit v celotnem delu pa predstavlja pomen naravoslovja v zgodnjem otroštvu in samostojno raziskovanje otrok v naravoslovnem kotičku. V praktičnem delu je z raznolikimi dejavnostmi predstavljen naravoslovni kotiček, ki je zasnovan s ciljem, da otroci samostojno raziskujejo in da pri tem ohranjamo otrokovo radovednost in oblikujemo sposobnost za samostojno reševanje problemov. Naravoslovni kotiček predstavlja samostojno raziskovanje in eksperimentiranje. Kotiček je razdeljen na dva dela: stalni (razni pripomočki in kemijski pribor) in variabilni del (poličke, kjer jih vsaki dan pričaka nekaj drugega za raziskovanje), in sicer kot temeljni pripomoček za izvedbo empiričnega dela diplomskega dela. Rezultati dejavnosti so podani opisno s sprotnim pisanjem dnevnih evalvacij ob izvajanju aktivnosti v kotičku.


diplomska dela;naravoslovje v predšolskem obdobju;raziskovanje predšolskega otroka;raziskovalni pristop;naravoslovno-raziskovalni kotiček;naravoslovne dejavnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Fink]
UDC: 373.2:5(043.2)
COBISS: 21666568 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3421
Downloads: 697
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the thesis entitled "Science corners in kindergarten" is to develop, design, build and createa science corner where children can work with natural materials and various tools which enable discovering and understanding of the environment that surrounds us. Our intention is to make the science corner permanent and that children would be involved actively, explore on their own and independently since in early childhood science topics are most suitablefor exploring. In the theoretical part of the thesis the importance of science in preschool period, the course of research, the role of childcare workers and children during the research work, andthe importance of science and research corner are presented. The main theme of the thesis, however, presents the importance of science in early childhood s well as children%s independent exploring in the science corner. A variety of activities in the science corner are presentedin the empirical part. The science corner is designed with the aim for children to explore independently, whereas childcare workers at the same time maintain child's curiosity and develop his/her ability to solve problems independently. Science corner is a place for independent exploring and experimentation. The corner is divided into two parts: permanent (different tools and chemistry supplies) and variablepart (shelves where there is something new to explore every day), as a fundamental tool for the implementation of the empirical part of the thesis. The results of activities were presented descriptively by writingdaily evaluationsof the implementation of the activities in the science corner.
Secondary keywords: theses;science in preschool period;researching preschool children;research approach;science and research corner;science activities;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 119 f., [25] f. pril.
ID: 8773344