ǂthe ǂcase of Poligram LTD.
Danijela Indest (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V današnjem hitrem načinu življenja so informacije, ki jih pridobimo na kakršenkoli način, pomembne. Tudi če informacije pridobimo iz spleta - npr. družbenih omrežij, lahko prinesejo vsaj usmeritev, kako naj delamo, če že ne konkretnih rešitev, kaj naj naredimo, da bomo pri svojem poslovanju uspešnejši. Tudi statistični podatki za posamezna družbena omrežja, ki jih predstavljamo v nalogi, kažejo na pogostost uporabe družbenih omrežij v Sloveniji. Prav tako podjetja v veliki meri uporabljajo družbena omrežja v različne namene. V nalogi zato predstavimo družbena omrežja, ki so tudi vir informacij, ki jih lahko pridobijo podjetja, da lahko izboljšajo poslovanje svojega podjetja. Da smo ugotovili, ali podjetje dobi koristne informacije z uporabo družbenega omrežja, smo naredili analizo družbenega omrežja Facebook na primeru profila podjetja Poligram d.o.o. Družbena omrežja, ki jih bomo v nalogi predstavili, so: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter ter Pinterest, ki so del našega vsakdanjika, zato jih želimo predstaviti tudi v tej smeri, kaj lahko podjetja pridobijo in kakšna je uporabnost podatkov. Da lahko podjetja pridobijo določene podatke, ki jih želijo iz družbenih omrežij pridobiti, morajo za ta namen uporabiti eno izmed orodij za analizo družbenih omrežij. V nalogi predstavimo tri orodja: Facebook Insights, Google analytics ter Socialbakers. Izvedli smo primerjavo omenjenih orodij, ki smo jih analizirali z v naprej pripravljenimi kriteriji. Glede na opravljeno primerjavo smo za izvedbo analize profila podjetja Poligram d.o.o. v družbenem omrežju Facebook izbrali orodje Facebook Insight. Z izbranim orodjem smo opravili analizo profila podjetja Poligram d.o.o. v družbenem omrežju Facebook, kjer smo ugotovili, da smo pridobili podatke o uporabnikih – število, spol, od kod prihajajo, kdaj je primeren čas za objavo novih prispevkov na profilu ter katerim področjem bi morali posvečati več pozornosti. Tukaj mislimo predvsem na krajevno usmeritev delovanja, saj smo ugotovili, da ima podjetje najmanj všečkov iz pomurske regije, kjer menimo, da je kar nekaj podjetij, s katerimi bi lahko tudi poslovno sodelovali. To je ugotovitev, o kateri pred analizo v podjetju niso razmišljali in bodo odslej uporabljali Facebook za predstavitev novosti o svojih storitvah, pridobitev informacij od strank z raznimi vprašanji v smislu, kaj bi si pri določeni funkcionalnosti še želeli, morda s čim niso zadovoljni, zato bodo naslednje objave tudi v vprašalnem smislu, da bodo lahko podali odgovor. Nekdo izmed zaposlenih pa bo skrbel tudi za posodabljanje profila in odgovarjal na morebitna vprašanja ali kritike uporabnikov.


internet;svetovni splet;družbeni mediji;družbena omrežja;Facebook;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Indest]
UDC: 004.7
COBISS: 12134940 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1543
Downloads: 384
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social network and analyse of Facebook profile
Secondary abstract: Because of our modern and fast way of life the information we obtain in any kind of way are important. Even if we receive the information from the web, e.g. the social media, it can serve at least as guidance, if not as concrete solutions, on how to work to be more successful in our business. The statistic data for individual social media presented in the paper also show the frequency of using social networks in Slovenia. The companies also use social media to a larger extend for various purposes. This thesis therefore presents social media as a source of information the companies can obtain to improve their business. In order to determine if a company can gather useful information with the help of social media, we analysed a profile of the company Poligram d.o.o in the online social networking service named Facebook. The social media presented in this paper are the following: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, which constitute a part of our daily lives that is why we want to provide a presentation of these media so the companies can see their advantages and benefits as well as the data usefulness. If the companies want to obtain special information from social media, they need to use one of the social media analytic tools. These three tools are presented in detail: Facebook Insights, Google analytics, and Socialbakers. We carried out a comparison of these three tools, which were analysed with the help of prepared criteria. Based on the results of the comparison, we chose Facebook Insight to perform a social media analysis of the Facebook profile of the company Poligram d.o.o. The chosen tool was used to analyse the Facebook profile of the company Poligram d.o.o.; the analysis has shown that we acquired various user data, for example their number and gender, where they are from, when the most appropriate time for publishing new posts on profile is and what the areas are we should focus more at. What comes to our mind here is the regional targeted activity, as we found out that the company has the smallest amount of likes in the Pomurje region; this is the region where there are some companies with future cooperation possibilities. This is a finding the company had not thought about before the analysis was carried out, and they have decided to use Facebook to present news about their service, to acquire information from their clients with different questions, for example if the clients wish to improve certain services, if they are satisfied or dissatisfied with something etc. That is why the future posts will also be in the form of questions the clients can reply to. One of the employees will also take care that the profile will be up-to-date and respond to possible user questions or critiques.
Secondary keywords: social media;Facebook;Facebook Insight;Poligram d.o.o.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 53 str.
ID: 8888652
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