ameriški in slovenski vidik
Sekundarna viktimizacija se pojavi, ko žrtev prvič vstopi v stik s policijo in kasneje s sodnim sistemom. Kaže se skozi negativne reakcije okolja in različnih državnih organov, čeprav nanjo vplivajo tudi drugi dejavniki, kot so razumevanje pravnih pojmov in pravnega sistema, izpostavljenost večkratnim intervjujem, dolgi sodni postopki, izid sojenja ter pričanje v sodni dvorani. Sekundarni viktimizaciji so še posebno izpostavljene tako imenovane izredno ranljive skupine, v katere spadajo tudi otroci.
V diplomski nalogi smo z pomočjo retrospektivno deskriptivne metode pregleda literature izpostavili najpogostejše ali najkontroverznejše ukrepe, ki jih uporabljajo Združene države Amerike za dobrobit otrok v kazenskem postopku, kot so predhodne priprave na pričanje, prisotnost podporne osebe, uporaba anatomskih lutk, prikaz posnetih pričanj in uporaba CCTV kamere za namene pričanja v živo, ter predstavili njihove prednosti ter slabosti. Poleg tega smo pa tudi pregledali zakonodajo te države, kako le-ta ureja uporabo teh ukrepov in pod kakšnimi pogoji. Ker Slovenija ne uporablja veliko ukrepov za zmanjševanje sekundarne viktimizacije, smo predstavili vse, ki zadevajo sodelovanje otrok v kazenskem postopku, v tem primeru prisotnost osebe, ki ji otrok žrtev ali priča zaupa, prepoved neposrednega zaslišanja otrok žrtev, napotitev pooblaščenca, izključitev javnosti iz glavne obravnave ter odstranitev obdolženca in izpostavili probleme, ki pri uporabi naštetih ukrepov nastanejo.
Čeprav ZDA uporablja veliko več ukrepov, le-ti niso tako drugačni od slovenskih, saj lahko vidimo med njimi kar nekaj podobnosti. Obe državi dovoljujeta prisotnost podporne osebe, odstranitev ali zakritost obdolženca med pričanjem mladoletne priče in izključitev javnosti iz glavne obravnave v skrajnih primerih. Za druge ukrepe, ki jih ZDA uporablja, mi pa ne, pa smo ugotovili, da je njihova implementacija popolnoma možna, čeprav pri tem nastanejo nekateri problemi, večinoma finančne ali tehnične narave.
V slovenski zakonodaji bi bilo potrebno le spremeniti nekatere člene Zakona o kazenskem postopku [ZKP] ali dodati nove, da bi dovolili uporabo novih ukrepov, uvesti usposabljanje strokovnjakov, tako za izpraševanje otrok kot za pravilno uporabo ukrepov in nakupiti opremo, ki bi se uporabljala izključno za potrebe izpraševanja otrok.
kazenski postopki;otroci;viktimizacija;sekundarna viktimizacija;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
U. Habič] |
UDC: |
343.1(043.2) |
Views: |
923 |
Downloads: |
168 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Secondary victimization appears when the victim first comes in contact with the police and later, with the legal system. It shows through negative reactions of the environment and different state authorities, even though there are other factors which influence it, such as legal understanding, exposure to repeated interviews, long trials, outcome of the trial and testifying in the courtroom. Groups that are particularly exposed to the secondary victimization are the so-called extremely vulnerable groups, which also include children.
With the help of retrospective descriptive method in overviewing literature in the diploma thesis, we set out the most common or the most controversial measures, which are used by the United States of America for the welfare of children in the criminal proceedings, such as pre-trial preparation for testifying, presence of a support person, use of anatomically correct dolls, showing of videotaped testimony, use of CCTV camera for live testifying and we also presented their advantages and disadvantages. Besides that, we also examined the country’s legislature and how it regulates the use of the measures and under which circumstances. Because Slovenia does not use many of the measures provided for lowering secondary victimization, we presented all of those which concern the participation of children in the criminal proceeding, in this case, presence of a person whom child victim or witness trusts, prohibition of direct questioning of child victims, appointment of a representative, exclusion of public in the main trial, removal of the accused and set out the problems, which may occur when those measures are used.
Although the USA uses many more measures, they are not so different from Slovenian ones, because between them, we can see a number of similarities. Both countries allow the presence of the support person, removal or concealment of the accused during the testimony of the underage person and exclusion of public from the trial in extreme cases. For other measures, which USA uses and Slovenia does not, we established that their implementation is completely possible, even though some problems may arise, mostly of financial or technical nature.
What needs to be done is to change some articles of Criminal Procedure Act [CPA] or to add new ones, to allow the use of the new measures, to initiate training of the professionals, for the interrogation of children as well as the correct use of the measures and to buy the equipment, which will only be used for the questioning of children. |
Secondary keywords: |
secondary victimization;child victim;child witness;criminal proceeding;American measures;Slovenian measures;videotaped testimonies;CCTV camera; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
60 str. |
ID: |
8888986 |