diplomski projekt
Vanessa Šlajmer (Author), Klavdij Logožar (Mentor)


Živimo v modernem svetu, kjer je napredna tehnologija in inovativnost del vsak dana. Napredna tehnologija skupaj z drugimi dejavniki omogoča podjetjem, da so konkurenčna in v koraku s časom. CRM(Customer Relationship Management) ali upravljanje odnosov s strankami je koncept, ki v ospredje postavlja odnose s strankami. Kakovostno upravljanje odnosov s strankami je namreč lahko pomembna konkurenčna prednost podjetja. CRM sestavljajo aktivnosti kot so pridobivanje novih strank in spremljanje njihovega vedenja, izgrajevanje baz podatkov o strankah, spremljanje dobičkonosnosti in drugo. CRM je novejša strategija in marsikatero podjetje ne glede na velikost, še z njo ni seznanjeno. Na trgu je vedno več ponudnikov in menim, da kmalu več ne bo podjetja, ki nima ali pa vsaj ne razmišlja o uvedbi CRM. Namen diplomskega projekta je bil podrobneje predstaviti pojem CRM, njegove značilnosti in uporabo. Seznaniti pomembnost za podjetja ter možnost uvajanja in potencialna uporaba v podjetju s praktičnim primerom.


kupci;prodaja;odnosi s strankami;upravljanje;CRM;opredelitev;strategija;evolucija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [V. Šlajmer]
UDC: 658.89
COBISS: 12118812 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1388
Downloads: 265
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Customer relationship management (CRM) in the firm Meltal
Secondary abstract: We live in a modern world where advances in technology and innovation are part of everyday life. Advances in technology together with other factors enables companies to be competitive and to keep in step with the time. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a concept which spotlight is to keep good relations with customers. Quality managing customer relations is in fact a significant competitive advantage for the company. CRM consist of activities such as to acquire new customers, observe their behavior and profitability, build databases and more. CRM is a newer strategy and many companies, even large companies, are still not aware of its existence. There is many CRM providers on the market and I believe that soon there will be no company without CRM or at least considering of the introduction of CRM. The purpose of this diploma project was to present in detail the concept of CRM, its features and use. Acquaint importance for the company and the introduction and use in an enterprise with practical examples.
Secondary keywords: CRM- customer relationship management;definition;evolution;strategic framework CRM;introduction;Meltal;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 34 str.
ID: 8889029