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Urška Jahn (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Ne glede na vrsto, velikost in poslanstvo podjetja, naloga vsakega podjetja je zadovoljevanje potreb strank s svojimi storitvami oziroma izdelki. Vse več podjetij se zaveda dejstva, da cilj trženja ni zgolj prodati izdelek oziroma storitev, pač pa je dolgoročno usmerjen, in sicer v ustvarjanje zadovoljnih in zvestih strank, ki so ključ do uspešnosti podjetja. Danes ima IT strateški pomen in postaja ključ do uspešnega poslovanja. Slej kot prej bodo morala vse organizacije v svoje strategije vključiti tudi strategijo IT. Znotraj udejanjanja le-te je nujno, da ima podjetje ustrezne informacijske rešitve, ki podpirajo poslovanje. Ena izmed takšnih je rešitev CRM, ki daje podporo učinkovitemu in uspešnemu upravljanju odnosov s strankami. Ker so odjemalci ključ do uspeha, rešitev CRM predstavlja za podjetje konkurenčno prednost. Izboljša produktivnost in uspešnost zaposlenih ter dobičkonosnost strank, kar predstavlja cilj vsakega podjetja. Uvedba ustrezne IT pa še zdaleč ni dovolj za dosego omenjenih poslovnih učinkov. Vrhunska zmogljivost rešitve CRM je možna le ob vpletenosti in medsebojne povezanosti človeških, tehnoloških in poslovnih sposobnosti. Podjetje, ki se odloči za uvedbo rešitve CRM, mora imeti v stranko usmerjene strategije in cilje, analizirati mora svoje poslovne procese, jih prenoviti, opustiti zastarele načine prodaje, posodobiti način razmišljanja, skratka CRM mora vpeljati v vsa področja, v filozofijo, način poslovanja in strateški načrt. Poslovne potenciale rešitve CRM smo prikazali na primeru nepremičninske agencije Coral Casa s. l. Podjetje se je srečevalo z vrsto težav, povezanih z upravljanjem podatkov o strankah in nepremičninah ter z nudenjem pravočasnih in kakovostnih storitev svojim strankam. Omenjene težave je odpravila uvedba rešitve CRM. Zaposlenim omogoča pregled nad vso podatkovno bazo, hiter dostop do informacij, vodenje opravil, vodstvu omogoča nadzor nad opravljenim delom agentov, izdelavo poročil in statistike, napovedovanje prihodnje prodaje in zato uspešnejše sprejemanja poslovnih odločitev. Rešitev pa seveda predstavlja tudi vrsto koristi za stranke, in sicer: deležne so hitrejših in bolj kakovostnih storitev, informacij, odgovorov na povpraševanja, ponudb, prilagojenih njihovim željam in potrebam, skratka stranke so postale bolj zadovoljne. Investicija v uvedbo omenjene rešitve se je izkazala za pravo. Podjetju je prinesla številne prednosti in lahko potrdimo, da so se poslovne aktivnosti v podjetju bistveno izboljšale, postale so učinkovitejše. Pričakujemo, da se bo vpliv uvedene rešitve na poslovanje podjetja kazal v zadovoljnejših strankah podjetja, njihovi večji lojalnosti, pridobivanju novih strank, zmanjšanju stroškov, povečanju prihodkov, skratka v boljših poslovnih rezultatih.


poslovna informatika;informacijska tehnologija;informacijske rešitve;CRM;odnosi s strankami;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [U. Jahn]
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 12135452 Link will open in a new window
Views: 768
Downloads: 109
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business potetntials of using CRM solution on the case of real estate agency Coral Casa s.l.
Secondary abstract: No matter what type, size and mission of company is, the most important is to satisfy customer needs with services or products company produce. More and more companies are aware of the fact that goal of marketing is not just to sell product or service, but it is long-term oriented to create satisfied and loyal customers, which is the key to success. Nowadays, IT has strategic importance. Sooner or later, all companies will have to include in their strategies also IT strategy. For its realization it is essential that the company has right IT solutions to support the business. One of them is CRM solution that provides support for efficient and effective customer relationship management. Since customers are key to success, CRM solution represents a competitive advantage for the company. Improves productivity and performance of employees and profitability of customers, which is the goal of every company. Implementation of right IT is not enough to achieve those business impacts. Maximized performance of IT is only possible with involvement of human, technologic and business skills and interaction between them. The company that decides to implement CRM solution must have the customer-oriented strategy and goals, has to analyze and renovate their business processes, to leave behind old ways of selling, to update the of thinking, so CRM has to be integrated into all areas of philosophy, way of doing business and strategic plan of the company. Business potentials of CRM solution were demonstrated in the case of a real estate agency Coral Casa s. l. The company has faced a number of problems related to management of customer and property data and to providing fast and quality services to its customers. Those problem can be solved by CRM solution. Employees can monitor the entire database, they have a quick access to information, to manage tasks, on the other hand, management can monitor and control the work of employees, they can use reports and statistics, they can predict future sales and the solution improves their decision making. Of course, the solution has a lot of benefits for customers, such as: customers receive faster and more quality services, information and replies to their inquiries, they receive offers which are adapted to their wishes and needs, in short, and customers have become more satisfied. Investment in implementation of CRM solution have been proven right. It has brought various benefits and we can confirm, that the business activity improved significantly and became more efficient. We expect that company will have more satisfied and loyal customers, will acquire new clients, reduce costs, increase revenue, therefore, the company will have better business results.
Secondary keywords: information technology;IT strategy;CRM;customer relationship management;implementation of CRM solution;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 60 str.
ID: 8889406