magistrsko delo
Iva Habjanič (Author), Primož Južnič (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na primerjavo uporabe elektronskih revij konzorcijev Centralne tehniške knjižnice. Uporabljeni so podatki o dejanski uporabi elektronskih revij.Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, po katerih elektronskih revijah uporabniki najpogosteje segajo, kateri posredniki in dobavitelji so v slovenskih knjižnicah najpogostejši, kakšne so cene določenih elektronskih revij in kateri so drugi viri sredstev, s katerimi slovenske knjižnice nabavljajo elektronske revije. V nalogi sta uporabljeni analitična in statistična metoda. Konzorciji so vrednoteni po sprejeti metodologiji, saj ta vrednoti prijavljene revije. Zanimalo me je, ali lahko merimo konzorcije z enakimi merili kot posamezne revije, ki jih prijavijo knjižnice. Iz metodologije, ki jo uporablja ARRS, je pri raziskavi elektronskih revij uporabljen samo podatek o dostopnosti, kvaliteti in pomenu naročene mednarodne znanstvene literature in baz podatkov ter o pogostosti uporabe.Primerjava konzorcijev je pokazala, da je pri ocenjevanju konzorcijev ključnega pomena podatek o kvaliteti in pomenu naročene mednarodne znanstvene literature in baz podatkovter podatek o pogostosti uporabe. Rezultati kažejo, da revije z visokim IF (Impact Factor - dejavnik vpliva) nimajo nujno visoke uporabe. Prav tako tudi cena ni vezana na IF.Ugotovila sem, da ni večjega števila objav slovenskih avtorjev v revijah z višjim IF in tudi ne v revijah, ki imajo višjo statistiko uporabe.


elektronske revije;konzorciji;visokošolske knjižnice;specialne knjižnice;bolonjske magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [I. Habjanič]
UDC: 050:004.738.5:027.7+026(043.2)
COBISS: 53867362 Link will open in a new window
Views: 972
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The master degree thesis focuses on the comparison of the uses of electronic magazines of Central Technical Library consortiums. The data used refer to the actual use of electronic magazines. The objective of the thesis is to ascertain which electronic magazines have the widest readership, which agents and suppliers are predominant in Slovene libraries. Furthermore, the thesis aims to establish the prices of electronic magazines and additional financial sources Slovene libraries use to supply electronic magazines. The methods used in the thesis are analytical and statistical. The consortiums are evaluated according to the accepted methodology, for it is this methodology that evaluates the registered magazines. My aim was to examine whether consortiums can be measured with the same measurement as individual registrations of magazines by libraries. From the methodology used by Slovenian Research Agency, the research uses only the data on accessibility, quality and importance of the ordered international scientific literature and databases as well as the frequency of use. The comparison of consortiums reveals that in the evaluation of consortiums, the crucial data are: firstly, the quality and importance of the ordered international scientific literature and databases and, secondly, the data on the frequency of use. The results show that magazines with a high Impact Factor do not necessarily have a high rate of use. There is no strong connection between the price and the IF either. I have established that there is not a higher number of publishing by Slovene authors either in magazines with a higher IF or in magazines with a higher statistics of use.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo, študijski bolonjski program Bibliotekarstvo
Pages: 60 f.
ID: 8890090
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