diplomsko delo
Larisa Draskovič (Author), Nada Turnšek (Mentor)


Vrtec postaja prostor, kjer se vedno pogosteje družijo otroci, starši in vzgojitelji iz kulturno različnih okolij. Razlike tako kot izven vrtca tudi v vrtcu povzročajo različna zavračanja, pomisleke, celo stereotipe in predsodke. Pomembno je, da se otroci z razlikami seznanijo že v predšolskem obdobju in jih doživijo kot nekaj pozitivnega, zato je vloga vzgojitelja v tem pogledu zelo pomembna. Diplomska naloga je bila napisana na podlagi izvedenega projekta Medkulturno sodelovanje vrtca Ringa raja in romskega vrtca Romano. Preko dejavnosti in druženj, ki smo jih v sklopu projekta izvedli, so imeli otroci možnost prepoznati podobnosti in razlike na različnih področjih ter jih doživeti kot nekaj pozitivnega. V prvem delu diplomskega dela sem se osredotočila na naslednje teme, in sicer: od večkulturne k medkulturni vzgoji, medkulturna vzgoja v vrtcu in vključenost Romov v proces vzgoje. V empiričnem delu sem skozi strnjene opise in refleksije predstavila potek zastavljenega projekta ter evalvacijo celotnega projekta, ki sem jo zapisala na podlagi intervjuja z vzgojiteljicama, ki sta bili neposredno vključeni v projekt, ter iz lastne perspektive. Skozi projekt sem ugotovila, da vrtec nudi pogoje za kakovostno medkulturno vzgojo. Smernice najdemo že v samem Kurikulumu za vrtce, vendar opažamo, da v praksi še niso povsem zaživele. Kljub vsemu imajo nekatere vzgojiteljice še vedno pomisleke, zadržke do medkulturne vzgoje in to prenašajo na najmlajše. Otroci sami namreč te raznolikosti ne zaznavajo tako močno, kot mi odrasli, temveč se počutijo enake. Ugotovila sem, da je od nas odraslih odvisno, ali bodo naši otroci medkulturno zaživeli ali ne, kajti naši predsodki se prenašajo na otroke, otroci nimajo predsodkov.


inkluzija;predsodki;medkulturni dialog;Romi;vključenost Romov v proces vzgoje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Draskovič]
UDC: 373.24(043.2)
COBISS: 10737993 Link will open in a new window
Views: 711
Downloads: 128
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Intercultural cooperation between kindergarten Ringa raja and Roma kindergarten Romano
Secondary abstract: A kindergarten is becoming a place where children, parents and kindergarten teachers from various cultural backgrounds are often united. The differences outside the kindergarten as well as in it are caused by various rejections, second thoughts, even stereotypes and prejudices. To experience differences as something positive it is important that children are acquainted with them in a pre-school era. A role of a kindergarten teacher in this respect is therefore very important. The thesis is based on a carried out project “Intercultural Collaboration between the Kindergarten Ringa raja and Roma Kindergarten Romano.” Within the project certain activities and gatherings were carried out which enabled children to identify the similarities and the differences in various fields and to experience them as something positive. In the first part of the thesis I focused on the following topic namely from multicultural to the intercultural education, intercultural education in the nursery and Roma’s integration in the education process. Through concise descriptions and reflections I presented the course of the objective of the project and its evaluation that I wrote based on interviews with educators who were directly involved in the project, as well as from my own perspective. Throughout the project, I found that preschool offers conditions for a quality intercultural education. The guidelines can already be found in the kindergarten Curriculum; however I noticed that in practice they have not yet fully come to life. Nevertheless, some teachers still have doubts, concerns of intercultural education and this is passed on to the children. Those differences are not as much sensed by the children as much they are by adults, children feel rather the same. I found out, that it is upon us adults whether our children live intercultural or not, for our prejudices are carried on to the children, children have no prejudices.
Secondary keywords: nursery school;intercultural education;vrtec;medkulturna vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 49 str.
ID: 9056564
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