diplomsko delo
Ana Jasmina Oseban (Author), Vlasta Kučiš (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu se bomo posvetili prevodnim premikom, do katerih prihaja ob prestavljanju književnega besedila iz enega kulturnega in jezikovnega konteksta oziroma prostora v drugega. Po opredelitvi uvodnih pojmov bomo predstavili vlogo književnega prevoda pri medkulturnih stikih in nadalje vrste prevodnih premikov, ki so lahko bodisi nujni (vezani denimo na skladenjske zahteve posameznega jezika) ali poljubni (vezani na prevajalčevo osebno prevodno poetiko) in so pogojeni krajevno ali časovno, kadar gre za vprašanje zastaranja prevoda. Poleg teoretičnega diplomsko delo obsega tudi empirični del, v katerem predstavljamo analizo devetih različnih prevodov Kafkove kratke zgodbe "Vor dem Gesetz", ki so bili doslej objavljeni v slovenskem jeziku. Za slovenski književni prostor, v katerem je pojav več prevodov istega literarnega dela prej izjema kot pravilo, je ta prevodna bilanca zares nekaj posebnega. Prevodi so bili še pogosteje objavljeni - skupno so doživeli šest časopisnih objav (od tega en ponatis) in pet knjižnih objav (z dodatno sedmimi ponatisi). V diplomskem delu poskušamo najti odgovore na vprašanje, kaj je privedlo do take popularnosti tega prevoda. Analiza prevodov se konkretno posveča detekciji prevodnih premikov, do katerih je prišlo iz perspektive medkulturnega diskurza. Gre za prevodne premike, ki se nanašajo na spremenjeno vsebino, slog ali skladnjo, poleg tega pa tudi na časovno zaznamovanost besedila.


kontrastivnost;medkulturni diskurz;književno prevajanje;prevodni premik;strojno prevajanje;zastaranje prevoda;Franz Kafka;medkulturna vloga književnega prevoda;diplomska dela;Kafka;Franz;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. J. Oseban]
UDC: 821.112.2(436)Kafka F.:81ʼ255.4(043.2)
COBISS: 21743880 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1032
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Contrastive aspects of intercultural discourse: Slovene translations of Kafkaʼs short story "Vor dem Gesetz"
Secondary abstract: This diploma thesis will observe the translation shifts that occur in the transfer of a literary text from one cultural and language context into another. After the presentation of introductory terms, we will focus on the role of the literary translation in intercultural discourse and further define the translation shifts that appear and are either obligatory (due to differences in syntax between the source and target language) or arbitrary (bound on the personal expression of each translator), as well as influenced by spatial and temporal specifics - in this context, possible signs of an obsolete translation can be detected and observed. The empirical part of the diploma thesis presents the analysis of the nine different translations of a short story by Franz Kafka "Vor dem Gesetz" that were published in Slovene language to date. For the Slovene literary context, this number of translations is unusually high. Even more impressive is the amount of publications of this short story - it was published six times in various newspapers (plus one reprint) and five times as a part of a book (plus seven reprints). The diploma thesis discusses possible causes for the huge popularity of this translation story in Slovenia. The analysis attempts to detect translation shifts from the perspective of the intercultural contact. These translation shifts include any changes of content, style or syntax, as well as the time component of the text (e.g. obsolete syntax or vocabulary).
Secondary keywords: contrastivity;intercultural discourse;literary translation;translation shift;obsolete translation;theses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: II, 64 f.
ID: 9056825