[magistrsko delo]
Gregor Hauptman (Author), Dušan Devetak (Mentor), Vesna Klokočovnik (Co-mentor)


Ličinke volkcev (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) so sedentarni plenilci, za katere je značilno, da plena ne zasledujejo, temveč nanj prežijo. Večina vrst preži na plen pod površino substrata, nekatere vrste pa za lov plena gradijo pasti. Uspešnost lova plena je pri sedentarnih plenilcih v veliki meri odvisna od mikrohabitata oziroma od neposredne okolice, še posebej pri tistih volkcih, ki za lov plena gradijo pasti. Eden izmed dejavnikov, ki vpliva na ličinke, njihovo vedenje in posledično na kvaliteto izgrajene pasti, je temperatura. Namen magistrske naloge je preučiti vpliv temperature na plenilsko vedenje ličink vrste Euroleon nostras, ki zajema gradnjo pasti, lov plena in hranjenje. Opazovali smo gradnjo lijaka in plenjenje pri treh različnih temperaturah substrata: 16, 25 in 35 °C. Gradnja lijaka je pri različnih temperaturah trajala različno dolgo. Frekvenca lučanja peska se je povečevala s temperaturo, posledično so ličinke potrebovale največ časa za izgradnjo lijaka pri 16 °C, medtem ko se je dolžina gradnje s povečevanjem temperature krajšala. Ličinke so gradile najmanjše lijake pri nizki temperaturi, vendar je zaradi njihove zmanjšane aktivnosti gradnja takih pasti trajala najdlje, v primerjavi z visokimi temperaturami, kjer so ličinke zgradile velike lijake hitreje. Ličinke so bile pri temperaturi 25 °C skoraj štirikrat bolj aktivne kot pri 16 °C, medtem ko se je njihova aktivnost med 25 in 35 °C povečala le za slabih dvakrat. Pri lovu plena in hranjenju smo poimenovali in opisali tri nove vedenjske vzorce, ki do sedaj za vrsto E. nostras med hranjenjem še niso bili zabeleženi, to so: submerzija ličinke, premik in sunkovito razpiranje in zapiranje čeljusti. Čas posameznih faz plenilskega vedenja se je razlikoval v odvisnosti od temperature. Ličinke so potrebovale več časa za hranjenje pri nizkih temperaturah.


volkci;lijakarji;plenilsko vedenje;temperatura;lov plena;gradnja lijakov;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [G. Hauptman]
UDC: 595.74(043.2)
COBISS: 21701896 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1976
Downloads: 139
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂeffect of substrate temperature on predatory behaviour on antlion larvae Euroleon nostras (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)
Secondary abstract: Antlion larvae (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) are sedentary predators which usually do not pursue prey, but waits for it in the suitable area in the habitat. Most antlion species waits for prey under the substrate surface, whereas some species build specific pit-fall traps to capture prey. Prey capture success in such sedentary predators, especially in pit-building ones, depends largely on the microhabitat characteristics. One of the factors that affect larval behaviour, the quality of the constructed trap, and consequently capture success, is temperature. The aim of the master thesis was to study the effect of temperature on the predatory behaviour of the pit builder Euroleon nostras, which includes the pit-fall trap construction, prey capturing and feeding. We observed the predatory behaviour at three different substrate temperatures: 16, 25 and 35 °C and we found that temperature had the effect in both, pit-construction and feeding. Pit construction behaviour differed in sand tossing frequency, diameter of the constructed traps and duration of construction. The frequency of sand tossing increased with temperature, therefore the larvae constructed pits faster at higher temperatures. Larvae constructed larger pits at higher temperatures, but due to their greater activity, pit construction was faster than at low temperatures. Larvae were almost four times more active than at 16 °C, while their activity between 25 and 35 °C increased for less than twice. During feeding behaviour, temperature affected the duration of feeding. Larvae required less time for feeding at higher temperatures and showed greater behavioural performance, namely in repertoire and sequences of behavioural patterns. At low temperature, behaviour followed a core pattern with little variety, in comparison to higher temperatures. Two till now undescribed behavioural patterns occurred only at the highest temperature: relocation and submergence of the larvae. These two behavioural patterns occurred presumably in response to high temperatures.
Secondary keywords: antlions;pit-builders;predatory behaviour;temperature;prey hunt;funnel constructions;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VII, 38 f.
ID: 9057581