Silva Bratož (Author), Alenka Kocbek (Author)


Na področju poučevanja drugega jezika se v zadnjih letih ponovno vse večji pomen pripisuje prevajanju kot legitimnemu pedagoškemu orodju. V prvem delu prispevka so obravnavani razlogi za neupravičeno omalovažujoč odnos do prevajanja pri metodologiji poučevanja drugega jezika v preteklih štiridesetih letih. Ta je zaznamoval zadnja desetletja kot odgovor na neustrezne pristope t. i. slovnično-prevajalske metode. Avtorici zagovarjata, da gre razloge za to iskati zlasti v pojmovanju vloge in rabe prevajanja, ki je pogosto preozko in ne upošteva sodobnih vidikov prevodoslovja in drugih disciplin. Pristop, ki je predstavljen v prispevku, združuje in hkrati nadgrajuje pedagoški vidik z ugotovitvami prevodoslovja in kognitivnega jezikoslovja. Obravnavane so relevantne sodobne smernice na področju prevodoslovja, medtem ko so v okviru kognitivnega jezikoslovja prikazani nekateri ključni pojmi in možni načini njihove uporabe pri učenju in poučevanju tujega jezika. Avtorici zagovarjata stališče, da je prevajanje potrebna in uporabna jezikovna zmožnost, kar je skladno z modelom sporazumevalnih zmožnosti, kot ga opredeljuje Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir. Poudarjata tudi, da bi bilo smiselno ponovno preučiti pomen in vlogo prevajanja kot orodja poučevanja, s čimer bi usvajanje jezika umestili v širši kulturni kontekst in hkrati spodbujali samostojnost učencev ter krepili njihovo zavedanje o medkulturnih in jezikovnih razlikah. V drugem delu so predstavljeni številni jezikovni primeri in vidiki, ki upravičujejo vlogo prevajanja pri poučevanju drugega jezika.


prevajanje;prevodoslovje;kognitivno jezikoslovje;učenje in poučevanje drugega jezika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UP PEF - Faculty of Education Koper
UDC: 81'253
COBISS: 1537771716 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3583
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Recent perspectives on the role of translation in second language instruction
Secondary abstract: We have recently witnessed an important trend towards re-considering the role of translation as a viable pedagogical tool in foreign language teaching. In the first part, the present paper looks at the reasons for the indifferent and often undeserved treatment of translation by second language teaching methodology and other related fields over the last decades which largely occurred as a reaction to the inadequacies of the Grammar Translation Method. We would like to argue that this is mostly due to a number of misconceptions which reflect a very limited understanding of translation principles and fail to take notice of the recent developments in translation science and other disciplines. The paper proposes combining and at same time upgrading the pedagogical framework with two other theoretical perspectives, i.e. the translation and the cognitive perspective. The former brings to the fore recent findings from translation studies, while the latter looks at the key concepts in the area of cognitive linguistics and the ways in which they can be applied to second language learning and teaching. It will be suggested that translation is a necessary and useful language competence which is in line with the model of communicative competence defined by the Common European Framework of Languages. A case will be argued in favour of re-examining translation as a teaching tool with a view to encouraging learner autonomy and raising learner's awareness of the cross-cultural and linguistic differences between the first and second language. In the second part, several examples and aspects of language will be examined aimed at justifying the role of translation in foreign language instruction.
Secondary keywords: translation;translation science;cognitive linguistics;second language teaching and learning;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: Str. 223-235, 612-613
ID: 9057864