diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Lucija Lipošek (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


Nasilje otrok nad starši je zelo slabo poznana oblika družinskega nasilja, čeprav je bila prvič omenjena že konec sedemdesetih let preteklega stoletja. V sodobni družbi spada med tabu teme, kljub njenemu porastu po svetu. Slovenija še nima podatkov o nasilju nad starši. Toda po podatkih generalne policijske uprave Slovenije se je število ukrepov prepovedi približevanja mladoletnikov njihovim staršem povečalo. Leta 2007 je policija pri samo enem primeru izrekla ta ukrep, leta 2014 pa je policija morala že v 22 primerih izreči ta ukrep mladoletnikom (Mlakar, 2015) . Zaradi očitnega porasta nasilja otrok nad starši v Sloveniji, smo se v diplomski delu osredotočili na predstavitev glavnih značilnosti tovrstnega nasilja. Poznavanje te pereče problematike pomaga strokovnim delavcem pri izvajanju pomoči staršem. Zato smo v prvem delu naloge opisali značilnosti tematike: pojavnost, oblike nasilja, vzroki, značilnosti storilcev, značilnosti žrtev in uporaba orožja. Drugi del pa smo namenili staršem in strokovnjakom. V njem je poudarek na pomoči staršem. Opisane so različne metode, ki jih v praksi uporabljajo strokovnjaki pri terapijah. Hkrati pa so v tem delu predstavljene težave staršev pri iskanju pomoči pri ustreznih institucijah (delavci s področja mentalnega zdravja, policija, sodni sistem, socialna služba) in slabosti omenjenih institucij. Nasilje nad starši postavi v ospredje tudi vprašanje pravic družinskih članov nasilnega mladoletnika. Pojavijo se težave pri enakopravni zagotovitvi pravic vseh družinskih članov.


nasilje;nasilje v družini;otroci;mladostniki;starši;zlorabe staršev;žrtve;pomoč žrtvam;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: L. Lipošek]
UDC: 343.62(043.2)
COBISS: 3033322 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2612
Downloads: 329
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: PARENT ABUSE
Secondary abstract: Parent abuse is very poor known form of domestic violence, although it was first mentioned at the end of the seventies. In modern society is this theme one of the taboo topics, despite its rise in the world. Slovenia does not yet have data on parent abuse. But according to the General Police Directorate Slovenia, the number of orders of restraining minors to their parents has increased. In the year 2007 police only in one case handed an order of restraining adolescent, but in the year 2014 police had already been imposed in 22 cases this measure (Mlakar, 2015). Due to the apparent increase of adolescent violence against parents in Slovenia, this study focuses on the presentation of the main features of this type of violence. Knowledge of these pressing issues help professionals in the implementation of aid. Therefore, we have in the first part of this study described the characteristics of the topics: the incidence, forms of violence, the causes, the characteristics of offenders, the characteristics of victims and the use of weapons. The second part is devoted to parents and professionals. It focuses on helping parents. Described are the various methods that are applied in practise by professionals in therapy. At the same time are in this part presented problems when parents seek help from relevant institutions (professionals from the field of mental health, the police, the court system, social service) and the weaknesses of these institutions. Parent abuse put in the forefront the question of the rights of family members of the violent adolescent. There are difficulties in ensuring equal rights of all family members.
Secondary keywords: domestic violence;parent abuse;violent adolescents;victimization;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 62 str.
ID: 9059573
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