(diplomsko delo)
Anja Poličnik (Author), Vida Gönc (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Rojstvo otroka predstavlja najlepši in nepozaben trenutek v ţivljenju. Vsaka bodoča mamica ima ob tem določena pričakovanja in strahove. Pravica vsake posameznice je, da rodi z zmanjšano bolečino. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati porodno bolečino, predstaviti vzroke nastanka ter načine njenega lajšanja, ugotoviti seznanjenost nosečnic z moţnimi metodami lajšanja porodne bolečine in ali je uporaba farmakoloških metod pogostejša od nefarmakoloških. Metode: Uporabljena je bila opisna metoda dela za teoretično izhodišče in kvantitativno neeksperimentalno raziskovanje, podatki so bili zbrani s tehniko anketiranja. Rezultati so prikazani v deleţih. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so bile otročnice v času svoje nosečnosti dobro seznanjene z moţnimi metodami lajšanja porodne bolečine. Znanje so pridobile iz različnih virov, več kot polovica pa se jih je pri svojem porodu odločila za uporabo nefarmakoloških metod. Sklep: Porodna bolečina je spremljevalka vsakega poroda. Dandanes je na voljo širok nabor nefarmakoloških in farmakoloških ukrepov za zmanjševanje le-te. Odločitve glede izbire so prepuščene ţenskam samim, zato je pomembna dobra informiranost o vsaki izmed njih.


porod;porodna bolečina;nefarmakološke metode;farmakološke metode;neeksperimentalno;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [A. Poličnik]
UDC: 618.414.4(043.2)
COBISS: 2180004 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1133
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Theoretical bases: A child’s birth represents the most beautiful and unforgettable moment in one’s life. Every expectant mother has certain expectations and fears about said moment. The right of each individual is to give birth with reduced labour pain. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe labour pain, present its causes and methods of pain relief in labour, to find out to what extent the expectant mothers are informed about these possible methods of pain relief in labour and if the pharmacological methods are used more frequently than the non-pharmacological ones. Methods: The methods used in the thesis were descriptive research method for theoretical basis, and quantitative non-experimental research; the data were collected with survey technique. The results are presented in shares. Results: The results show that the neonatal mothers were well informed about the possible methods of pain relief in labour during their pregnancies. They received their information from different sources, and more than half of them chose to use the non-pharmacological method for their labour. Conclusion: Pain during labour is a part of every childbirth. Nowadays, there are many pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of its relief to choose from. The decision about which option to choose is left to women alone; therefore, she must be well informed about each and every one of them.
Secondary keywords: labour;labour pain;non-pharmacological methods;pharmacological methods;non-experimental;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 50 f., 6 f. pril.
ID: 9063040
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