magistrsko delo
V magistrskem delu Judje v srednjeveškem Mariboru so opisane značilnosti Judov, njihova naselitev, način življenja in njihov pomen za gospodarstvo srednjeveške Evrope. Podrobneje so opisani Judje v srednjeveškem Mariboru, ki so se na področje današnjega Maribora naselili v trinajstem stoletju in tukaj ostali vse do izgona, leta 1497. Živeli so v getu, ki je obsegal današnjo Židovsko in Ključavničarsko ulico ter sosednje dele novega Glavnega trga, Tattenbachove in Vetrinjske ulice, to je južno-vzhodni del tedanjega obzidanega mesta. Živeli so v skladu z judovskimi pravili, in sicer so opravljali božjo službo v sinagogi, ter živeli v sožitju s krščanskimi someščani. Prav zaradi slednjega jim ni bilo treba nositi judovskih oznak kot Judom v ostalih srednjeveških mestih po Evropi. Ukvarjali so se z denarnimi posli (mnogi med njimi), in zato sčasoma postali nepriljubljena skupina. Po ukazu Maksimilijana I. (1459-1519) so morali šestega januarja 1497 zapustiti Maribor. Mnogi so se naselili v dunajsko Novo Mesto in Neukirchen, nato pa so se preselili na Gradiščansko v Željezno (Eisenstadt) in severovzhodno Spodnjo Avstrijo (Marchegg). Da so Judje živeli v Mariboru, še danes pričajo mnoge zgradbe (na primer sinagoga), poimenovanje ulice (Židovska ulica), priimki današnjih Mariborčanov, ter številni materialni viri, ki jih danes hranita mariborski mestni muzej in mestni arhiv.
Judje;Evropa;srednji vek;gospodarstvo;Maribor;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[K. Žnider] |
UDC: |
94(497.412)"12/14/"(=411.16)(043.2) |
Views: |
1610 |
Downloads: |
317 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Jews in medieval Maribor |
Secondary abstract: |
In this thesis, Jews in medieval Maribor, characteristics of Jews are described as well as their settlement, life style and significance for the economy of medieval Europe. Jews, who came to medieval Maribor in the 13th century and stayed here until they were deported in 1497, are described in detail. They lived in ghetto, which included today's Židovska and Ključavničarska street as well as some parts of Glavni trg (Main square), Tattenbach and Vetrinjska street, which is the southeast part of the former town wall. They lived according to Jewish regulations, namely doing God's service at the synagogue, while at the same time lived in harmony with Christian fellow citizens. Because of the latter, they were not required to wear Jewish labels, unlike the Jews living in other medieval European cities. They were engaged in monetary business (many of them) and therefore eventually became an unpopular group. By order of Maximilian 1st (1459 - 1519), they were forced to depart Maribor on January 6th 1497. Many moved to Wiener Neustadt in Neukirchen and then moved to Burgenland (Eisenstadt) in northeast lower Austria (Marchegg). Many buildings in Maribor are a prove that Jews once lived here (synagogue for one), as well as names of streets ('Židovska' Jew's street), family names of people living in Maribor, and numerous material resources that are currently held in Maribor city museum and in city archives. |
Secondary keywords: |
Jews;Europe;Middle Age;economy;Maribor;master theses; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino |
Pages: |
106 f. |
ID: |
9063796 |