doktorska disertacija
Urban Šebjan (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor), Polona Tominc (Co-mentor)


V doktorski disertaciji smo proučevali uporabo informacijskih rešitev analitičnega upravljanja odnosov (IR aCRM) s strankami, pri čemer smo poglobljeno proučevali analitična orodja in tehnike za analiziranje podatkov o strankah in poslovnih partnerjih IR aCRM. IR aCRM predstavlja perspektivno področje, ki je danes za organizacije izjemno zanimivo, a hkrati tudi strateško zahtevno področje, saj zahteva kompetenten kader in ustrezno tehnološko podporo. Čeprav je področje izjemno perspektivno, je z vidika znanstvenega raziskovanja tudi deficitarno, saj raziskave dokazujejo, da so se do sedaj raziskovalci osredotočali predvsem na proučevanje IR CRM kot celote in na kritične dejavnike uspešne uporabe IR CRM na splošno. Nove tehnološke in informacijske rešitve organizacijam omogočajo, da pridobivajo pomembne podatke o strankah, vendar organizacije zaradi slabe analitične podpore v organizaciji izgubljajo poslovne priložnosti. Da bi organizacije uspešno vpeljevale in uporabljale IR aCRM, je nujno potrebno proučevati analitična orodja, metode in tehnike IR aCRM. Zato je za vsako organizacijo velik izziv vključiti v poslovni sistem IR aCRM, čeprav vsaka organizacija, ki deluje na trgu, razpolaga z določeno količino podatkov o strankah in poslovnih partnerjih. V ta namen smo oblikovali konceptualni model, s katerim smo ugotavljali, kateri dejavniki organizacije vplivajo na uporabo in uporabnost analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. V prvi fazi se mora vsaka organizacija vprašati, kako je naravnana in ali tovrstna naravnanost vpliva na uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. V doktorski disertaciji smo z uporabo metodologije modeliranja s strukturnimi enačbami (angl. structural equation modeling – SEM) ugotovili, da procesna naravnanost pozitivno vpliva na zaznano uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM, ne pa tudi na zaznano intenzivnost uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. Tehnološka naravnanost organizacije je dejavnik, ki pozitivno vpliva na zaznano intenzivnost uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM, pri čemer pa tehnološka naravnanost organizacije nima vpliva na zaznano uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. Najpomembnejši kritični dejavnik organizacije za uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM je inovativna naravnanost. Inovativna naravnanost organizacije pomembno vpliva tako na zaznano uporabo kot tudi na zaznano intenzivnost uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. V okviru konceptualnega modela smo ugotovili, da znanje in veščine statistike pozitivno vplivajo na zaznano uporabo in zaznani odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM, ne pa tudi na prihodnjo poglobljeno uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. Zaznana intenzivnost uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM pomembno vpliva na zaznani odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. V okviru konstruktov modela TAM smo ugotovili, da zaznana uporaba analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM preko zaznanega odnosa do uporabe analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM pozitivno vpliva na prihodnjo poglobljeno uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM. V doktorski disertaciji predstavljamo tudi razširjeni konceptualni model, s katerim smo še ugotovili, da inovativna naravnanost organizacije pozitivno vpliva na znanje in veščine statistike za uporabo analitičnih orodij in tehnik IR aCRM.


informatika;informacijski sistemi;odnosi s strankami;management;strategija;filozofija;informacijska tehnologija;programi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [U. Šebjan]
UDC: 659.23:004:005.3(043.3)
COBISS: 12244764 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1725
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Critical factors of analytical customer relationship management information solutions use
Secondary abstract: In this doctoral thesis, we studied the use of IT solutions for analytical customer relationship management (IS aCRM), in which we made an in-depth study of analytical tools and techniques for analysis of organizations’ customer data and business partners. IS aCRM represents a perspective area that is now very interesting for organizations, but also strategically challenging, because it requires competent personnel and adequate technological support. Although this area is promising, in terms of scientific research it has been neglected, as studies have shown that, up until now, researchers were mainly focused on the study of IS aCRM as a whole and on the critical factors for successful application of IS aCRM in general. New technology and IT solutions are enabling organizations to gather important information about their customers, but the organizations are losing business opportunities due to poor analytical support. In order for successful introduction and application of IS aCRM in an organization, it is necessary to examine its analytical tools, methods and techniques. For this reason, it is challenging for organizations to incorporate the operation system of IS aCRM, although every organization that is operational in the market already possesses a certain amount of information about its clients and business partners. To this end, we have created a conceptual model, which was used to determine which factors affect the use and usefulness of analytical tools and techniques of IS aCRM in an organization. As a first step, every organization must ask itself how it is oriented, and whether and to what extent its orientation affects the use of analytical tools and techniques in IS aCRM. We found, by using SEM, that process orientation has a positive effect on the perceived use of analytical tools and techniques of IS aCRM, but not on the perceived intensity of their use. Technology-oriented organizations tend to have a positive effect on the perceived intensity of the use of IS aCRM analytical tools and techniques, while they have no effect on the perceived use of the tools and techniques. The most important critical factor in organizations using IS aCRM analytical tools and techniques is an innovative orientation. An innovative orientation of an organization has a significant impact on both the perceived use, as well as on the perceived intensity of the use, of IS aCRM analytical tools and techniques. In the context of the conceptual model, we found that knowledge and skills in statistics have a positive impact on the perceived use and perceived attitude toward the use of analytical tools and techniques, but not on their future in-depth use. The perceived intensity of the use of IS aCRM analytical tools and techniques has a significant impact on the perceived attitude toward their use. Within the construct of the TAM model, we found that the detected use of IS aCRM analytical tools and techniques, over the perceived attitude toward their use, has a positive impact on their future in-depth use. We then present an expanded conceptual model, with which we found that an innovative orientation of an organization has a positive impact on the knowledge and skills in statistics for the use of analytical tools and techniques of IS aCRM.
Secondary keywords: informatics;information systems;customer relationship;management;strategy;philosophy;information technology;programmes;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: XX, 303 str.
ID: 9075434