case Learning polygon Dole
Špela Fanedl (Author), Borut Milfelner (Mentor), Vojko Potočan (Co-mentor)


Danes v svetu velja: »V znanju je moč«, iz tega razloga ljudje neprestano težijo k novim znanjem in posledično posegajo po različnih izobraževalnih storitvah. Konkurenca izobraževalnih storitev je velika, spekter izobraževalnih storitev tudi. Zato je zelo pomembno, da storitvene organizacije, poleg mnogih drugih aktivnosti, izvajajo raziskave zadovoljstva odjemalcev v zvezi s kakovostjo storitev ter ugotavljajo njihove namere po ponovnem obisku. S pomočjo teh ugotovitev lahko organizacije povečajo kakovost storitev, kar lahko vpliva na zadovoljstvo odjemalcev in njihovo zvestobo organizaciji. Posledično lahko to pripelje do bolj konkurenčnih in prepoznavnih storitev ter same organizacije, ki te storitve ponuja. Magistrsko nalogo smo razdelili na teoretičen in empiričen del. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo preučili koncepte managementa poslovanja, kakovosti, kakovosti storitev, zadovoljstva, zvestobe in SWOT analiza (analiza stanja organizacije, analiza okolja). V tem okvirju smo predstavili / raziskali zadovoljstvo odjemalcev s kakovostjo storitev Učnega poligona dole, v nadaljevanju UPD, ter prikazali korelacijo med zaznano kakovostjo storitev in zadovoljstvom odjemalcev, ter med zaznano kakovostjo storitev in zvestobo odjemalcev. Na primeru UPD smo skušali preučiti, kako pomembno je izvajati raziskave zadovoljstva odjemalcev ter pridobljene rezultate uporabiti za dvig kakovosti storitev, dvig zadovoljstva, zvestobe, konkurenčnosti in prepoznavnosti UPD. Prav zaradi vse večji potreb ljudi po znanju, trg ponuja zmeraj pestrejšo ponudbo izobraževalnih storitev. Konkurenca izobraževalnih storitev je tako zmeraj večja in močnejša. V takem okolju je težko preživeti brez upoštevanja določenih načel in znanj managementa ter marketinga. Kot že rečeno, je pomembno, da tudi takšne organizacije, kot je UPD, ki ponujajo izkustveno izobraževanje, v svojem delovanju upoštevajo ta znanja ter uporabljajo primerne metode za ugotavljanje zadovoljstva odjemalcev, kakovosti storitev in zvestobe odjemalcev. Na koncu dneva so odjemalci tisti, katerih mnenje šteje največ in so tisti, ki prinašajo prihodek.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [Š. Fanedl]
UDC: 005.6
COBISS: 12221212 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2016
Downloads: 160
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Service quality management and impact of perceived quality on customer satisfaction
Secondary abstract: For today’s world apply: “Knowledge is power”, and this is the reason why people constantly strive for new knowledge and consequently interfere with the variety of educational services. Competition in education is very big, also the spectrum of different educational services as well. It is therefore very important that service organizations, in addition to many others activities, carrying out research of customer satisfaction in relation to service quality and identify their intention to re-visit. Using this information, organizations can increase the quality of services which in turn may affect customer satisfaction and their loyalty to the organization. Consequently, this can lead to a more competitive and recognizable services and the organization itself, which offer these services. Master’s thesis was divided into theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part we explore the concepts of operations management, services quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, SWOT analysis (analysis of current situation of an organization, analysis of the environment). In the empirical part based on previously studied concepts in the theoretical part, we research customer satisfaction with Learning polygon Dole (UPD) with quality of service, we also demonstrate the correlation between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and perceived service quality and customer loyalty. In the case of Learning polygon Dole (UPD) we have tried to show how important it is to carry out customer satisfaction surveys and obtained results used to raise the quality of services, to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, competitiveness and visibility of the organization. Because of the growing need for new knowledge and skills, the market offers v varied range of educational services. Market competition in the field of education is becoming bigger and stronger. In such an environment it is difficult to survive without considering certain principles and skills of management and marketing. As already stated, it is also important for organizations like UPD, which are offering experimental education, to consider this knowledge and apply appropriate methods for determining customer satisfaction, service quality and customer loyalty. At the end of the day, customers are the ones whose opinion counts the most, also they bring revenue.
Secondary keywords: service quality;customer satisfaction;customer loyalty;Learning polygon Dole (UPD);educational services;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 87 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 9077371