diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu obravnavam problematiko socialne vključenosti oz. izključenosti otrok prosilcev za azil. Vpliv nanjo je povezan že s samo percepcijo (mednarodnih) migracij s strani večinskega prebivalstva in tudi s političnim razumevanjem te problematike s strani različnih držav, tudi Evropske unije in njihovih velikokrat izključujočih ukrepov. Ob prihodu v državo sprejemnico se srečata etnična identiteta otroka prosilca za azil in nacionalna identiteta večinskega prebivalstva. Ob tem se otrok prosilec za azil vse prevečkrat pojavi kot tisti nasprotni pol, »drugi«, tujec, ki z »nami« ne deli prevladujočega vrednostnega sistema. K spodbujanju socialne vključenosti otrok prosilcev za azil, ki se poleg materialnega blagostanja nenazadnje nanaša tudi na udeležbo posameznika v socialnem življenju, pa lahko pripomore tudi upoštevanje nekaterih pomembnih pojmov in konceptov, obravnavanih v diplomskem delu, med drugimi tudi socialnih omrežij, socialnega kapitala, ekološko-sistemske teorije ipd. Slednja poudarja pomen različnih okoljskih sistemov vse od družine in nenazadnje do kulture ter vseh vzajemnih odnosov in vplivov, ki delujejo drug na drugega ter na otroka samega. Tudi v empirični del sem vključila pomembne akterje otrokovega ekološkega okolja, in sicer šolo, družino (starše), azilni dom in v njem delujoče nevladne organizacije. Z njihovega vidika in z vidika otrok sem želela proučiti socialno vključenost otrok prosilcev za azil ter njihovih družin, sodelovanje med omenjenimi akterji ter nenazadnje ugotoviti morebitne težave in predloge za višjo stopnjo socialne vključenosti. Glede na način vzpostavljanja in ohranjanja stikov ter preživljanja prostega časa družin oz. staršev prosilcev za azil, sestavo ter zaprtost socialnih omrežij otrok (tudi staršev) sklepam, da otroci prosilci za azil niso dovolj vključeni v širše socialno okolje, ampak so predvsem vezani na azilni dom. Tudi intervjuvane strokovne delavke ugotavljajo, da otroci (tudi njihovi starši) na splošno niso dovolj vključeni v širše okolje, se pa uspešno vključujejo v šolo in azilni dom. Namen mojega raziskovanja je s pomočjo raziskave socialne vključenosti otrok prosilcev za azil pripomoči k večji razvidnosti stanja njihove socialne vključenosti in s tem vplivati na načrtovanje morebitnih nadaljnjih smernic za delo z otroki prosilci za azil.
otroci prosilci za azil;socialna vključenost;socialna omrežja;migracije;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[P. Strmšek] |
UDC: |
341.43(043.2) |
Views: |
956 |
Downloads: |
256 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Social inclusion of asylum seeking children |
Secondary abstract: |
In the diploma thesis, I discuss the issue of social inclusion and exclusion of asylum seeking children. The influence on it is connected to the very perception of (international) migration from the perspective of the majority of the population and also from the perspective of various politics from different countries, including the European Union, and their measures, which are often mutually exclusive. When arriving to the receiving state, the ethnical identity of the asylum seeking child and national identity of the majority of the population meet. At that point, the asylum seeking child often appears to be one on the opposite side, ‘‘the other’’ and “the stranger” who does not share the dominant principles and values. The encouragement of social inclusion of children who are asylum seekers, depends not only on material welfare, but also on the individual’s social participation etc., following some important contributing terms and concepts discussed in the diploma thesis such as social networks, social capital and ecological-systematic approach. The ecological-systematic theory stresses the significance of different ecological systems including the family and culture, mutual relations, effects among them and with the children themselves. I included important actors of child’s ecological environment in the empirical part. These actors were school, family (parents), the asylum home and non-governmental organisations that work there. From their perspective and from the children’s perspective, I wanted to research social inclusion of asylum seeking children and of their families, cooperation among mentioned actors and to determine possible problems and recommendations for greater quality of social inclusion. Based on their establishing and maintaining social contacts, spending their free time, and the structure and the reserve of the children’s social networks (and also of their parents), I have concluded that asylum seeking children are not socially included to a sufficient extent. On the other hand, they are included in the school and asylum home to a good extent. The purpose of my research is to aid to the clarity of the state of asylum seeking children’s social inclusion through researching it and hence to influence the planning of possible further guidelines for the work with asylum seeking children. |
Secondary keywords: |
social integration;child;migration;socialna integracija;otrok;migracija; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika |
Pages: |
110 str. |
ID: |
9078415 |