diplomsko delo
Nives Horvat (Author), Maja Hmelak (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Pričakovanja staršev do vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok na območju Prekmurja je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu so zajeta različna izhodišča oz. teme, ki se potem združujejo s pričakovanji staršev do vzgojiteljev. Najprej so predstavljena načela in cilji predšolske vzgoje v vrtcih, ki so temelj za poznavanje obravnavane tematike. Opisan je pomen vrtca kot ustanove za otrokov razvoj, hkrati pa tudi vloga, ki jo pri otrokovem razvoju imajo starši. Slednji so tudi pomemben dejavnik pri oblikovanju programa in dela v vrtcu, zato sta predstavljena njihova vloga in pomen za vrtec in institucijo, prav tako pa tudi ni zanemarljiv njihov vpliv na delovanje vzgojitelja. Zato v teoretičnem delu izvemo o pomenu sodelovanja med starši in vzgojitelji, tako z vidika vzgojitelja kot tudi z vidika staršev. V nadaljevanju so predstavljena tudi pričakovanja staršev do vzgojiteljev ter morebitne pasti, ki onemogočajo dobro sodelovanje. Poseben poudarek je dan pomenu spoštovanja avtonomnosti vzgojitelja. Predstavljena je tudi vloga staršev pri otrokovem prvem vstopu v vrtec in njihovo mesto v ciljih kurikula. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati empirične raziskave, in sicer v kolikšni meri v vrtcu Beltinci upoštevajo oz. uresničujejo pojem partnerstva, katere so prevladujoče oblike sodelovanja ter vsebine, ki jih strokovno osebje oz. vzgojitelji nudijo staršem. Za raziskovalni instrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki ga je izpolnilo 19 vzgojiteljev v enotah vrtca Beltinci ter 129 staršev, katerih otroci obiskujejo omenjene enote vrtca. Zanimalo nas je, ali to sodelovanje daje zadostne možnosti sooblikovanja in vplivanja na življenje v vrtcu ter kako to ocenjujejo starši. Podatke, pridobljene s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov, smo obdelali s programom SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) in jih predstavili tabelarično.


avtonomnost;sodelovanje;starši;vrtci;vzgojitelji;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Horvat]
UDC: 373.2.064.1(043.2)
COBISS: 21945864 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1801
Downloads: 179
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parents' Expectations from Early Childhood Educators in Prekmurje
Secondary abstract: The undergraduate thesis entitled Parents' Expectations from Early Childhood Educators in Prekmurje consists of theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part addresses different starting points or themes which are then combined with the expectations that parents have from early childhood educators. The thesis first presents the principles and objectives of early childhood education in early childhood centres, as they are the basis for knowledge of the subject matter. The importance of such a centre on a child's development is also described. Because parents are a significant factor in establishing the programme and the working process of the centre, their role and importance for the centre as an institution are presented. Parents also play an important part in a child's full development, which is why their importance in a child's development is outlined. In addition to the mentioned role of parents in a child's development, parents impact the functioning of the centre as an institution; moreover, their impact on the work of the child's educator is also not negligible. For that reason, the theoretical part describes the significance of cooperation between parents and educators from the educators% as well as from the parents' point of view. Parents' expectations from educators and potential traps which prevent good cooperation are then presented. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of respecting the educator's autonomy. Furthermore, the role that parents have when their child starts attending an early childhood education centre and their part in the objectives of the curriculum are laid out. The empirical part shows the results of empirical research, namely to what extent the Beltinci early childhood centre takes into account and pursues the notion of partnership, which are the prevalent methods of cooperation and content that the qualified staff/early childhood educators provide to parents. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument. It was filled out by 19 early childhood educators in different units of the Beltinci early childhood centre, and by 129 parents of children that attend the units of the mentioned centre. We were interested to know if this kind of cooperation offers ample possibilities for co-shaping and impacting the life in the centre to parents, and the parents% perspective. Data obtained with the help of the questionnaire were processed with the SPSS programme (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and were presented in tables.
Secondary keywords: autonomy;cooperation;parents;kindergartens;preschool teachers;theses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 71 f., 3 f. pril.
ID: 9079743