Anton Mlinar (Author)


Razprava tematizira idejo trajnosti pod vidikom kulture in izobraževanja. V tem kontekstu trajnost doslej še ni doživela pomembnejšega odmeva. Odnos med trajnostjo na eni in kulturo ter izobraževanjem na drugi strani kaže na raven zavedanja o perečem vprašanju človekovega neposrednega okolja, humanega/kulturnega in naravnega. Sedanji referenčni okvir trajnosti je še vedno močno odvisen od ekonomskih in političnih dejavnikov, ki ponujajo objektivna merila vrednotenja stvarnosti. Čeprav se včasih zdi, da so nenadomestljiva tudi za razumevanje družbene razsežnosti trajnosti, želimo opozoriti na pomembnost trajnosti kot novega koncepta spoznanja, kot tudi na odnos med trajnostjo in pojmovanjem človeka, zlasti pod vidikom njegovih potreb oziroma njegove odvisnosti od sveta kot mreže pomenov. Ta vidik trajnosti je pomemben v sferi izobraževanja, na drugi strani pa je poglabljanje znanj o človekovi kulturi pomembno za trajnost, posebno na področju razvijanja ustrezne terminologije. Pomen novega konceptualnega okvirja naj bi povečal zaupanje v možnost sprememb v razmišljanju in ravnanju


Kultura;Izobraževanje;Trajnostni razvoj;Učenje;Osebni razvoj;Paradigma;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani
UDC: 37
COBISS: 31096925 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 829
Downloads: 252
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The article discusses the idea of sustainability with regard to the aspects ofculture and education. In this context, the idea of sustainability has not yet seen a wider response. The relationship between sustainability on one hand, and culture and education on the other shows the level of consciousness about the urgent question of manʼs immediate environment, human/cultural as well as natural. The present frame of reference still strongly depends upon economic and political actors which offer objective measures to evaluate reality. Although it sometimes seems they are also indispensable for understanding the social dimensions of sustainability, we draw attention to the importance of sustainability as a new conceptual knowledge and the relationship between sustainability and the concept of man, especially relative to manʼs needs and dependence on the world as a network of meanings.This aspect of sustainability is important for the education sphere in a similar way as the deepening of knowledge about manʼs cultural environment is important for sustainability, especially when it comes to developing suitable terminology. The importance of the new conceptual framework should increase confidence in the possibility of changes in thinkingand behaviour
Secondary keywords: Culture;Education;Sustainable development;Learning;Personal development;Paradigm;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 71-90, 231
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ49
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: jan.-feb. 2012
ID: 9092158
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