magistrsko delo
Jerneja Lovrač (Author), Darja Kerec (Mentor)


Prosti čas je pomemben del našega življenja, saj posameznika sprosti in mu omogoča opravljanje tistih dejavnosti, ki so mu ljube, jih ne opravlja kot nujnost in ga navdajajo z veseljem. Prostega časa ne moremo imeti za nekaj samoumevnega, ampak je to dobrina, ki si je vsi ne morejo privoščiti. Razlogi za to so ekonomske, socialne in družbene razlike. Prosti čas se je preko desetletij spreminjal in prav s temi spremembami preko generacij od leta 1945 do danes se ukvarja magistrsko delo. V njem je teoretično podprta tema prostega časa otrok, katera je nadgrajena z načini preživljanja prostega časa otrok v Zasavju. Vsa poglavja se namreč prepletajo z življenjem otrok v tem okolju in po navedbah intervjuvanih oseb. Najprej se magistrsko delo dotakne problematike definiranja prostega časa in samega pomena le-tega, nato se osredotoči na spolne, starostne in socialne razlike pri preživljanju prostega časa. Teoretični del opisuje tudi vpliv tehnologije na spremembe, do katerih je prišlo skozi desetletja in pa vrste igrač, ki so ali so bile prisotne v določenem obdobju. Empirični del magistrskega dela predstavlja kvalitativno raziskavo. Namen raziskave je preko ustnih virov, ki sem jih pridobila z nestrukturiranim intervjujem, ugotoviti, kako se je spreminjalo preživljanje prostega časa otrok od leta 1945 do danes, katere igre in igrače so prevladovale v določenem obdobju in katere so večne ter s kom so se otroci največ družili. V raziskavo sem zajela ljudi, ki so svoje otroštvo med petim in desetim letom starosti preživljali v Zasavju, v katerem koli desetletju od leta 1945 do danes. Pridobljeni rezultati bodo osvetlili tematiko, ki na tem območju Slovenije za otroke prve triade še ni bila raziskana, osnovnošolskim učiteljem v lokalnem (in širšem) območju pa bodo pripomogli k ustreznejšemu poučevanju o življenju otrok po drugi svetovni vojni. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da je človek ne jezi se igra, ki so jo poznale vse, v raziskavo zajete generacije. Družabne igre so v nekaj desetletjih doživele silovit razcvet. Kolo, skiro, punčka in žoga pa so igrače, ki so bile prav tako znane vsem generacijam. V štiridesetih, petdesetih in šestdesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja so bile igrače preproste in izdelane iz naravnih materialov, nato so te igrače nadomestile plastične. Poleg igre ima pomembno vlogo druženje s sorojenci, vrstniki, sosedi in starši. Največ prostega časa so imeli otroci osemdesetih in devetdesetih let, prejšnje so bile obremenjene z delom, kasnejše pa s šolo in popoldanskimi dejavnostmi.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Lovrač]
UDC: 379.8-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 10848329 Link will open in a new window
Views: 543
Downloads: 108
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Children's spare time in the Zasavje region after 1945
Secondary abstract: Leisure time is important part of our life, because it makes us feel more relaxed and we can do what we really like and not that, what we have to do, consequently they fill us with joy. Free time is something that we must not take for granted, because it is a good, that not everybody can afford it. Grounds for that are economic, social and societal differences. Over decades leisure time has been changing and that changes over generations from 1945 until today are the topic of this master's thesis. Inside of it is theoretical supported theme of leisure time of children which is upgraded with manners of spending free time in childhood in Zasavje, all chapters go hand in hand with the life of children living in this environment and after statements of interviewed persons. Initially master's thesis touches the issue of defining leisure time and the importance of itself, then it focuses on gender, age and social differences in spending leisure time. Theoretical part also describes the influence of technology on changes, that occurred over decades and additionally to the types of toys, that were present in given period. The empirical part of master's thesis presents qualitative research. The purpose of the research through oral sources that I have acquired through non-structural interviews to determine how varied leisure activities of children from 1945 until today, what games and toys are prevalent in a given period and which are eternal and with whom the children spent most of their leisure time. In a research I included people who spent or spend their childhood between five and ten years old in Zasavje, in any decade from 1945 until today. The obtained results will shed light on issues for that part of Slovenia for the children of the first triad has not been researched yet, primary teachers in the local (and wider) area will contribute to teach children better about life of children after World War II. During the research I found out that Ludo is the game that knows every person in the research included generations. Board games are within a few decades experienced a huge expansion. A bike, a scooter, a doll and a ball are toys that are well known in all decades. In the forties, fifties and sixties of the twentieth century were simple toys made of natural materials, then they were replaced by plastic toys. In addition to the game it has an important role to socialize with siblings, peers, neighbours and parents. The most leisure time had children in eighties and nineties, earlier were burdened with work and later with the school and afternoon activities.
Secondary keywords: child;childhood;leisure;otrok;otroštvo;prosti čas;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Pages: VII, 87 str.
ID: 9113587