magistrsko delo
Kaja Grobelnik (Author), Mateja Primožič (Mentor), Maja Leitgeb (Co-mentor)


Wallemio ichthyophago uvrščamo v razred črnih kvasovk, ki spadajo v rod Wallemia. Wallemia je filogenetsko star in nenavaden rod gliv Basidiomycota, ki zajemajo ene izmed najbolj ekstremofilnih evkariontskih organizmov opisanih doslej. Namen magistrske naloge je bilo proučevanje vpliva superkritičnega ogljikovega dioksida (SC CO2) na preživelost celic črnih kvasovk Wallemia ichthyophage pri različnih pogojih (tlak in čas izpostavitve) ter na aktivnost nekaterih intra- in ekstracelularnih encimov. Preživelost celic črne kvasovke W. ichthyophage s podaljševanjem časa izpostavitve SC CO2 in naraščanjem tlaka upada. Proučevali smo tudi aktivnost encimov celulaze, β-glukozidaze, α-amilaze in proteaze ter koncentracijo proteinov in nukleinskih kislin v odvisnosti od časa izpostavitve celične suspenzije Wallemia ichthyophage SC CO2 pri različnih tlakih. Koncentracija proteinov v celični suspenziji W. ichthyophage je z naraščanjem tlaka in časa izpostavitve SC CO2 naraščala iz česa lahko sklepamo, da so se iz celic izločili intracelularni proteini. Z naraščanjem časa izpostavitve celične suspenzije W. ichthyophage SC CO2 smo dosegli, da so se iz celic W. ichthyophaga izločili intracelularni encimi.


W. ichtyophaga;superkritični ogljikov dioksid;celulaza;proteaza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [K. Grobelnik]
UDC: 543.272.62(043.2)
COBISS: 19533846 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1072
Downloads: 133
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Activity of enzymes from Wallemia ichthyophage after exposure in SC CO2
Secondary abstract: Wallemia ichthyophaga are black yeast fungi and belong to the fungi family of Wallemia. Wallemia is phylogenetically old and unusual genus of fungi Basidiomycota, which covers one of the most extremophiles eukaryotic organisms described so far. The purpose of the master's thesis was studying the impact of supercritical carbon dioxide SC CO2 on the survival ability of the black yeast W. ichthyophage cells, under different conditions (pressure and time exposure) and on the activity of certain intra- and extracellular enzymes. With the extension of exposure time to SC CO2 and the increasing pressure cell survival ability of the black yeast W. ichthyophage decreases. We have also studied the activity of the enzymes cellulases, β-glucosidase, α-amylase, protease, and the concentration of proteins and nucleic acids in relativity to the time of exposure to the cell suspension Wallemia ichthyophage SC CO2, at different pressures. The concentration of proteins in the cell suspension W. ichthyophage is increasing with the extension of time and pressure exposure to SC CO2; from this we conclude that the intracellular proteins are extracted from the cells. By increasing the exposure time to SC CO2 we have achieved elimination of intracellular enzymes from the W. ichthyophaga cells
Secondary keywords: W. ichtyophaga;supercritical carbon dioxide;cellulases;protease;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: [X], 66 f.
ID: 9119363