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Saša Kovač (Author), Matjaž Iršič (Mentor)


Vedeti, kaj so potrebe in želje odjemalcev, je v današnjem zasičenem poslovnem okolju ključno za uspešnost podjetja. Podjetje, ki je inovativno, je konkurenčno. Potrebe, zahteve odjemalcev so eden ključnih razlogov zaradi katerih podjetja posegajo po spremembah. So podjetja, ki svoje odjemalce upoštevajo oz. z njimi sodelujejo bolj, druga nekoliko manj, nekatera sploh ne. Tako se na trgu uspešne organizacije ločijo od neuspešnih predvsem v tem, kako so sposobne izpolnjevati želje in potrebe odjemalcev. Potrebe, želje odjemalcev se ugotavljajo v tržni analizi, v kateri ti nastopajo kot primarni vir podatkov. Tako je bil tudi naš namen ugotoviti zadovoljstvo, potrebe in želje odjemalcev po izboljšavi izdelkov. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, kakšno je zadovoljstvo odjemalcev z lastnostmi izdelkov in storitvami pri nakupu na eni strani in kakšne so njihove želje glede tega na drugi strani. Ugotovili smo, da so anketirani odjemalci, upoštevajoč željo po spremembi, najbolj zadovoljni z varnostjo, uporabnostjo in kakovostjo izdelka, najmanj pa s ceno, hitrostjo izdelave in etiketo izdelka, kot lastnostmi izdelka. Glede storitev, vezanih na nakup, smo ugotovili, da so anketirani odjemalci, upoštevajoč željo po spremembi, najbolj zadovoljni z razumevanjem želja, kakovostjo svetovanja in razumevanjem potreb, najmanj pa z zalogami izdelkov, dostopnostjo informacij, hitrostjo izdelave in hitrostjo dostave. Na osnovi dobljenih ugotovitev smo podali predloge, kakšne spremembe in inovacije naj se uvedejo za večje zadovoljstvo odjemalcev in večjo konkurenčnost podjetja.


izdelki;proizvodi;novi proizvodi;odjemalec;potrošnik;zadovoljstvo;inovacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Kovač]
UDC: 658.624:658.89
COBISS: 12262940 Link will open in a new window
Views: 911
Downloads: 75
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of customers in development of new products at Brus d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Knowing customers' needs and wishes is key to successful business in today's saturated business environment. An innovative business is a competitive business. Customer needs and demands are one of key reasons for changes introduced by companies. There are companies that take their customers into consideration and cooperate with them more, others less, some not at all. Successful organizations are distinguished from the unsuccessful ones mostly by their capacity to fulfill customer wishes and needs. These are identified in market analyses where customers are the primary source of information. Our intent was to determine customer satisfaction, needs and desire for product improvement. The market analysis tried to determine customers’ satisfaction with products' characteristics and purchase services on one hand and customers’ wishes on the other. We discovered that the customers, who participated in the survey, with regard to their desire for change, were most satisfied with safety, usability and quality of the product and least satisfied with the price, production speed and product's label, than with product's characteristics. Regarding purchase services we discovered that the participating customers, with regard to their desire for change, were most satisfied with the understanding of their wishes, quality of consulting and understanding of their needs, whereas they were least satisfied with product stock, information availability, production speed and delivery speed. Based on the findings we gave proposals, what changes and innovations should be made for greater customer satisfaction and higher business competitiveness.
Secondary keywords: product;customer;business;innovation;satisfaction;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 49 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 9122568