delo diplomskega seminarja
Nuša Furek (Avtor), Dušan Radonjič (Mentor)


Uspešnost podjetja je odvisna od prodaje kakovostnih in cenovno ugodnih izdelkov za odjemalce. Na uspešnost podjetja pa vpliva tudi inovativnost. Inovativnost mora biti prisotna v vsakem podjetju, saj to pomeni razvijanje nekaj novega, privlačnejšega za kupce. Kupci so iz dneva v dan vse bolj zahtevni in za svoj denar zahtevajo vedno več. Zato je potrebno zadovoljiti njihove potrebe z razvojem novih boljših in izpopolnjenih izdelkov. Pri razvoju novih izdelkov sodeluje veliko oddelkov in skupin v podjetju, ter drugi dejavniki. Vse to je povezano v določen okvir in strukturo, ki skozi določen čas na trg prinese določen nov izdelek. Traja lahko kar nekaj časa, da pride izdelek na trg takšen, kakršnega smo si na začetku zamislili. Da bodo naši odjemalci z njim zadovoljni, ter da z njim zadovoljijo potrebe in želje na trgu. Vsako podjetje ima pred razvojem določene, svoje cilje, ki jih želijo z novim izdelkom doseči. In skozi razvoj ves čas strmijo k temu, da bodo čim bližje temu, da te cilje tudi izpolnijo. Zaradi tega iščejo vedno nove ideje. S katerim izdelkom bi prepričali odjemalca, da bi se odločil za nakup. Ključnega pomena pri tem je, da zbirajo ideje, testiranja in ocenjevanja idej ter izdelavo in testiranje koncepta izdelka. Kadar pa izdelek enkrat izdelajo in pošljejo na trg pa ima velik pomen še oglaševanje oziroma komercializacija izdelka. Saj preko oglasov odjemalci zaznavajo izdelke. Čim bolj bo oglas inovativen in privlačen za odjemalce, bolj bo pritegnil njihovo pozornost in posledično to privede do nakupa. Podjetje Arcont IP d.o.o. je zelo fleksibilno podjetje, kot kakšna večja podjetja in se lažje organizirajo in dogovarjajo glede razvoja. Podjetje zagotavlja kakovost svojih izdelkov z izbranimi materiali na sodobni tehnološki in programski opremi, ki jim omogoča izdelavo kakovostnih in varnih proizvodov. Strmijo k konkurenčni prednosti in zadovoljstvu svojih strank.

Ključne besede

izdelki;proizvodi;novi proizvodi;razvoj;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Furek]
UDK: 658.624
COBISS: 11558172 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1327
Št. prenosov: 136
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Development of new products in the company Arcont IP d.o.o.
Sekundarni povzetek: The success of a company depends on quality and affordable products. Another important factor for success is innovativeness. This is a virtue that every company must have, because this means developing something new and more attractive for the customers. The customers are getting more and more demanding. That is why the companies have to satisfy their demands with the development of new and improved products. There are many departments, groups and factors that are involved in the development of new products. The whole process is joined in a certain frame and structure, which through time launches a new product on the market. It can that a lot of time before we can launch a perfect product, which will satisfy the needs and demands of the market. Before starting a development process every company sets certain goals, which they want to achieve with the end product and through the development they strive to be as close to these goals as possible. That is why they always look for new ideas. They look for a product that will attract more customers. A key factor in this process is that they collect ideas, make tests, evaluate ideas and test the concepts of products. Advertising becomes very important when the product is developed and launched on the market, because it is through adverts that the customers get to know the product. The more the advert is innovative and attractive the more customers will decide to purchase the product. The company Arcont IP d.o.o. is a more flexible company then other larger companies and that is why they can more easily organize and develop new products. The company guarantees the quality of their products with carefully selected materials on modern technological and programming equipment, which allow them the production of quality and safe products. They strive towards competitive advantage and satisfaction of their customers.
Sekundarne ključne besede: product;development of a product;developing processes;customers;Arcont IP d.o.o.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega seminarja/zaključno seminarsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 40 str.
ID: 8727297