delo diplomskega projekta


Želje in potrebe odjemalcev, so nas pripeljale do te točke, da živimo v obdobju 'poplave' izdelkov. Ne glede na to, v katero področje izdelkov se zazremo, lahko opazimo ogromne količine podobnih, med seboj zelo konkurenčnih izdelkov. Življenjska doba izdelkov se krajša, potrebe in želje odjemalcev pa povečujejo, kar za podjetja vedno znova predstavlja poslovni izziv. Če hočejo podjetja obstati na trgu in hkrati ostati konkurenčna, se morajo konstantno razvijati in nadgrajevati, saj lahko le na tak način stopijo iz povprečja. Razvoj novih izdelkov je osnova za razvoj in uspeh podjetja. Če želimo, da je izdelek na trgu maksimalno učinkovit, kar pomeni, da je med odjemalci dobro sprejet, dobro prepoznan na trgu in podjetju prinaša dobiček, je potrebno skrbno in natančno izvesti vse stopnje procesa razvoja novega izdelka. Model procesa razvoja obsega osem stopenj razvoja, ki sem jih tudi analizirala v podjetju DH Fashion. DH Fashion je mikropodjetje, ki predstavlja blagovno znamko za unikatno in ročno izdelana oblačila, nakit in modne dodatke. Glavni cilj diplomskega projekta je bil opredeliti in razčleniti stopnje procesa razvoja novega izdelka s teoretičnega vidika in jih kasneje primerjati z razvojem izdelka v izbranem podjetju. Na podlagi dobljenih podatkov sem raziskala, ali podjetje DH Fashion uporablja za razvoj izdelka vse stopnje procesa razvoj novih izdelkov. Na podlagi dobljenih podatkov sem ugotovila, da podjetje DH Fashion za razvoj novih izdelkov ne uporablja vseh faz procesa razvoja izdelka, vendar kljub temu deluje zelo uspešno in se neprestano razvija. Iz rezultatov diplomskega projekta lahko sklepam, da za uspešnost razvoja izdelka ni potrebno izvesti vseh stopenj procesa razvoja izdelka. Sklepam, da na razlog, zakaj podjetje ne uporablja vseh stopenj razvoja, vplivajo različni kriteriji, kot so recimo način prodaje, segment izdelkov, stopnja konkurence, ciljne skupine itd.

Ključne besede

proizvodi;novi proizvodi;Izdelki;razvoj izdelka;unikati;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Hojnik]
UDK: 658.624
COBISS: 13348892 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 747
Št. prenosov: 144
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂstrategy of developing a new product in the company DH Fashion
Sekundarni povzetek: Desires and needs of the clients brought us to the point when we live in the period of a “flood” of products. Regardless of that which field of products we observe, we can see enormous quantities of similar, but competitive products. The lifespan of products is getting shorter. The needs and desires of clients are expanding which is again a business challenge for the companies. If the companies are to survive in the market they have to develop and be upgraded constantly, as this is the only way for them to step out of the average. The development of new products is the basis for the growth and success of the company. If we wish that a product is efficient in the market to the greatest extent, which means that it is well accepted among the clients, well recognized in the market, and brings profit to the company, a thorough and accurate performance of all the stages of the process of the development of the new product is necessary. A model of the process of the development includes eight stages of the development which I also analyzed in the company DH Fashion. DH Fashion is a micro-company which represents a trademark for unique and handmade clothes, jewelry, and fashion accessories. The main goal of the bachelor’s thesis was to define and analyze the stages of the process of the development of a new product from the theoretical perspective and later, compare them with the development of a product in the selected company. On the basis of the acquired results, I researched whether the company DH Fashion uses all the stages of the process of development of new products. On the basis of the acquired data, I ascertained that the company DH Fashion does not use all the phases of the process of the development of the product. However, it still operates very successfully and evolves constantly. I can conclude on the basis of the results of the bachelor’s thesis that it is not necessary to perform all the stages of the process of the development of the product for the successfulness of the development of the product. I conclude that different criteria influence the reason why the company does not use all the stages of the development, such as a method of sales, a segment of products, a level of competition, target groups, etc.
Sekundarne ključne besede: product;new product;development of the product and introduction to the market;uniqueness;DH Fashion.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 38 str.
ID: 11116860