magistrsko delo
Zala Gerdej (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor)


Socialni razvoj je pomemben del otrokovega odraščanja ter predstavlja ključ do obogatitve njegovega življenja. Sposobnost uspešne medsebojne interakcije, sodelovanje v socialnih aktivnostih, razumevanje drugih ter vključenost v širšo družbo so nekatera izmed mnogih področij, ki pomembno prispevajo k otrokovi socialni rasti in dvigujejo kvaliteto njegovega življenja. Pri otrocih z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju je zaradi njihovih znižanih intelektualnih zmožnosti pogosto opaziti primanjkljaje na socialnem področju. Slednji se kažejo v slabšem socialnem zavedanju, prilagajanju in delovanju, vzpostavljanju in vzdrževanju socialnih stikov, ob vsem navedem pa se lahko pojavijo tudi čustvene in vedenjske težave. Le-te so pogosto odraz slabše razvitih strategij reševanja problemov ter primanjkljajev pri prepoznavanju namenov socialnih dejanj. Ker omenjeno predstavlja pomemben element za otrokovo uspešno socialno interakcijo z vrstniki, smo s testom preverjanja socialnega zavedanja preverili obdelavo socialnih informacij 69 učencev (38 učencev z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, 31 učencev značilnega razvoja). Dobili smo vpogled v njihovo prepoznavanje namenov v vnaprej pripravljenih hipotetičnih socialnih situacijah, v strategije reševanja socialnih problemov ter v njihove odzive na dane probleme, nato pa smo s pomočjo statistične analize podatkov ugotovili, da med skupinama prihaja do pomembnih razlik na omenjenih področjih. Rezultati potrjujejo, da učenci z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, vključeni v raziskavo, kažejo primanjkljaj pri prepoznavanju namenov socialnih situacij, njihove strategije reševanja problemov so manj ustrezne, izbrani odzivi pa so pogosteje agresivni ali pasivni za razliko od druge skupine učencev. Ugotavljamo, da imajo učenci z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju, vključeni v raziskavo, težave na področju socialnega procesiranja oz. obdelave socialnih informacij.


otroci z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju;socialni razvoj;obdelava socialnih informacij;strategije socialnega učenja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Z. Gerdej]
UDC: 159.922.76-056.313(043.2)
COBISS: 10921545 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1056
Downloads: 124
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social awareness of children with mild intellectual disability
Secondary abstract: Social development has a significant influence on the quality of social life and is therefore very important part of every child’s raising process. Not only being able to properly interact with others, to actively cooperate in different social activities and to understand others intentions in different social situations, but also to be appropriately included in society are some of the most important skills that contribute to child`s social growth and clearly increase the quality of his life. The lack of social skills is very often observed when considering children with mild intellectual disabilities, mostly due to the limitations in their cognitive and adaptive functioning, resulting mostly in bad social awareness. Further on, some difficulties in social adaptation and functioning are often observed when children with mild intellectual disabilities are exposed to different social situations, especially when building and maintaining social relationships. This can also result in emotional and behavioural problems, usually connected with lack of problem-solving skills and difficulties when trying to appropriately interpret social situations. By taking into consideration all of the represented facts that have an important impact on child’s successful social relationship with their peers, social information processing test has been evaluated. The main purpose of this study was to examine typical generated responses of children with mild intellectual disabilities in different hypothetical social situations and compare the obtained results with results of their typically developing peers. 69 children participated in the study (38 children with mild intellectual disabilities, 31 typically developing children). Their encoding of cues in hypothetical problematic social situations, problem-solving skills and their response generation on represented problems were measured. The results obtained from statistical data analysis show important difference between our groups. The results confirm that children with mild intellectual disabilities, included in our study, had more difficulties with encoding of social cues and their social problem-solving skills are less adequate. They spontaneously generated more aggressive and submissive responses and fewer assertive than their typically developing peers. Results, obtained from the test, clearly show that social skills and social information processing of children with mild intellectual disabilities are not well developed.
Secondary keywords: backward child;social behaviour;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;socialno vedenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Pages: X, 84 str.
ID: 9127414