magistrsko delo
Nastja Petek (Author), Jurij Planinšec (Mentor)


Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali obstaja vpliv med otrokovimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi in njegovo učno uspešnostjo. Raziskava je zajemala 189 otrok iz OŠ Sladki Vrh, ki so v šolskem letu 2014/2015 obiskovali 3. - 8. razred. Ali otrokove gibalne sposobnosti vplivajo na njegov učni uspeh smo ugotavljali s pomočjo rezultatov iz športno-vzgojnega kartona na vseh osmih testih gibalnih sposobnosti in zaključnimi ocenami pri skupnih predmetih 3. - 8. razreda, katere smo pridobili iz matičnih listov posameznega učenca. Zbrani podatki so bili obdelani z računalniškim programom SPSS Statistic 19.00 za Windows. Za ugotavljanje, ali obstaja statistično pomembna korelacija med vsoto ocen in posameznimi testi iz športno-vzgojnega kartona, je bila uporabljena regresijska analiza. Rezultati so pokazali, da obstaja statistično pomembna korelacija med vsoto ocen in gibalno sposobnostjo učencev na testih dotikanje plošče z roko in vesa v zgibi. Za ugotavljanje razlik med podpovprečno in nadpovprečno gibalno razvitimi učenci na vseh osmih merjenih gibalnih sposobnosti v učnem uspehu, je bil uporabljen t-preizkus. Rezultati so pokazali, da med skupinama v učnem uspehu obstaja statistično pomembna razlika. Učenci, ki so nadpovprečno gibalno razviti dosegajo boljši učni uspeh oziroma imajo višjo povprečno oceno. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali obstaja razlika v razvitosti gibalnih sposobnosti na posameznem testu iz športno-vzgojnega kartona glede na spol in razred učenca. Rezultati hi.kvadrat preizkusa so pokazali statistično pomembnost razlik med spoloma pri testu poligon nazaj, bistveno višji odstotek je bil nadpovprečno razvitih deklic, kot dečkov. Prav tako so rezultati pokazali statistično pomembnost med razredi pri testu skok daljino iz mesta in pri testu poligon nazaj.


gibalni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;učna uspešnost;spol;razred;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Petek]
UDC: 796.012.1-057.87:37.042(043.2)
COBISS: 22123272 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1364
Downloads: 158
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Influence of Children's Motor Abilities on Their School Performance
Secondary abstract: The present study aims to research the correlation between children's motor abilities, and their school performance. The study included 189 children from the Sladki Vrh primary school, attending grades between 3rd and 8th in the school year 2014/2015. The correlation between children's motor abilities and their school performance was researched with the help of the results provided in the Sports Educational Chart in all eight tests of motor abilities, and the final grades obtained by students in mandatory classes from the third to the eighth grade. The grades were obtained from the registry sheets of individual students. The data collected was analyzed with the SPSS (19.00 for Windows) computer program. The Regression analysis was introduced to establish if there was a statistically significant correlation between the sum of students' grades, and the individual tests performed in the Sports Educational Chart. The results showed a statistically significant correlation between the sum of grades, and the motor abilities of children shown in executing the following tasks: Arm plate tapping, and Bent arm hang. The T-test was used for researching the differences in school performance between students with above-average and below-average motor abilities in all eight tests of motor abilities performed in the Sports Educational Chart. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups. Students with above-average motor abilities do better in school i.e. have a higher average grade. Furthermore, the study strived to find whether there was a difference between children's motor abilities in the individual tasks of the Sports Educational Chart depending on the gender and the grade of the students. Chi-squared test results confirmed a statistically significant difference between the two genders in the task called Obstacle course backwards. There was a higher percentage of girls with above-average motor abilities in this task. In addition, the results also showed a statistically significant difference between the tasks: Standing long jump and Obstacle course backwards.
Secondary keywords: motor abilities development;motor abilities;school performance;gender;grade;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 105 f.
ID: 9127571